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This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 5, 2022. It is now read-only.
Chris Beams edited this page Mar 13, 2014 · 34 revisions

This project is now defunct. See for our current approach to publishing artifacts for Spring projects.

What is the shared Gradle sources project?

The project repository is structured as a Gradle [[buildSrc|]] directory, to be shared as a git submodule. The sources within contain tasks and plugins that address the project automation needs common to most Spring projects. Participating Spring projects maintain a root build.gradle script that makes use of some or all of these tasks and plugins.

It is also a documentation effort. The goal is to clearly explain all infrastructure, practices and processes involved in creating, maintaining and releasing Spring open source projects. This includes topics not strictly Gradle-related; for example Spring project versioning information.

Please note that this is not a general-purpose build for projects that make use of Spring. It is a common set of build sources for open-source Spring projects built with Gradle. The audience for this wiki is anyone that builds or maintains those projects.

How to get answers and help

Detailed documentation

Build operators are users of the build. Build masters maintain it and deal with project releases.

For build operators

For build masters

For maintainers of the shared Gradle sources