Some KVV (Karlsruher Verkehrs Verbund) "EFA"-API tests for train schedules and information.
This API doesn't seem like a permanent solution, it could change at any time completely.
- Searching for a station:[dd.ddddd]&name_sf=<your station name>&outputFormat=JSON&type_sf=any]()
- Requesting station departures:[dd.ddddd]&depType=stopEvents&locationServerActive=1&mode=direct&name_dm=<your station id>&type_dm=stop&useOnlyStops=1&useRealtime=1&limit=10
Based on an ESP32 dev board and two 32x64 px. HUB75 displays
The code can be found in the ./departure-board
- Arduino IDE
- Arduino WiFi & Wifi UDP library
- ESP32 Preferences
- Arduino HTTPClient library
- Arduino NTPClient library
- Arduino JSON library
- ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA
To get the code to compile and to configure the WiFi settings, create a file called wifi_config.h
in the arduino sketch (./departure-board
) directory.
Use this schema, to fill in the required settings:
#pragma once
#define WIFI_SSID "<your wifi SSID>"
#define WIFI_PASSWD "<your wifi password"
The standard pin configurations are set as listed below:
#define PANEL_PIN_A 18
#define PANEL_PIN_R1 23
#define PANEL_PIN_G1 22
#define PANEL_PIN_B1 21
#define PANEL_PIN_R2 0
#define PANEL_PIN_G2 2
#define PANEL_PIN_CLK 14
#define PANEL_PIN_OE 25
(all HUB75 pins not listed here are defaulted to the ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA library's default pins)
Custom display resolutions and layouts are not supported yet.
The default display configuration is as follows:
| 32x64px HUB75 | 32x64px HUB75 | <--- ESP32
=> Totalling 128x32 px.
Once you successfuly uploaded the code, you can use the serial console to enter a 7-digit station id.
You can obtain the station id by running a XSLT_STOPFINDER_REQUEST
with the clear-text station name in your browser.
This API implementation is very incomplete and only was a test for me to learn how the API works. See the proper kvv-efa-api bindings I created for usage in your projects.