This package can be used to integration Timekit APIs with your project. for more information click here
Run the following to install
pip install python_timekit
from timekit.client import TimekitAPI
client = TimekitAPI(app_token="<you_api_key>")
response = client.apps.get()
# Response data from timekit
# Response status code from timekit
response = client.apps.get()
response = client.apps.invite(data)
for more information on App related APIs click here
response = client.bookings.create(data, dynamic_includes)
response = client.bookings.list(limit, page, dynamic_includes, search, order_by, sorted_by)
response = client.bookings.retrieve(id)
response = client.bookings.update_state(id, action)
response = client.bookings.update_meta(id, data)
response = client.bookings.reschedule(id, data)
response = client.bookings.create_in_bulk(data)
response = client.bookings.update_in_bulk(data)
response = client.bookings.groups.list(limit, page, search)
response = client.bookings.groups.retrieve(id)
response = client.bookings.delete(id)
for more information on Booking related APIs click here
response = client.projects.create(data)
response = client.projects.list(limit, page, search)
response = client.projects.update(id, data)
response = client.projects.create(data)
response = client.projects.delete(id)
response = client.projects.add_resources(id, data)
response = client.projects.set_resources(id, data)
response = client.projects.remove_resources(id, resource_id)
response = client.projects.get_resources(id)
for more information on Project related APIs click here
response = client.resources.create(data)
response = client.resources.list(limit, page, search)
response = client.resources.retrieve(id, dynamic_includes)
response = client.resources.update(id, data)
response = client.resources.delete(id)
response = client.resources.availability_constraints(id, data)
for more information on Resource related APIs click here
response = client.availability.list(data)
for more information on Availability related APIs click here