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JFEGS: a virtual processor for the DE1-SoC board, designed in VHDL. The processor ships with an application that is able to compute the Fibonacci sequence.


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JFEGS: a virtual processor for the DE1-SoC board

Yet another revolutionary product that computes the Fibonacci sequence, designed by Joost Buursink (s2790882), Fabian Widlund (s3100235), Emil Imhagen (s3108139), Guus Branderhorst (s2795132), and Stach Redeker (s2758695).

This documentation file is part of the final project of Digital Hardware in module 5 of Electrical Engineering, University of Twente.

Table of contents


JFEGS is a virtual processor designed in VHDL for the Altera System-on-Chip (SoC) FPGA. The processor can be compiled using ModelSim and synthesized using Quartus. Various requirements were set. We discussed those in our project plan.

In this documentation file, we aim to elaborate on the workings of our virtual processor. This document can also serve as a starting point for people who wants to write programs for our system. First, we discuss the instruction format and our example application. After that, we dig deeper into our processor and give a brief overview of the workings of various important components. Lastly, we provide an installation guide and make recommendations for further improvements.

Instruction format

The minimal instruction length to cover all the wanted instructions is 17 bits. In order to be able to convert the instructions into hexadecimal, we shall use an instruction length of 20 bits.

Branch instructions

Op1 Op2 Address (9 bits) unused (7 bits)
00 XX MMMMMMMMM 0000000
Instruction Op2
ba 00
beq 01
bne 10
bneg 11

Memory instructions

Op1 Op2 Address (9 bits) %rd/%rs (4 bits) unused (3 bits)
Instruction Op2
ld 00
st 01
ldb 10
stb 11

Arithmetic instructions

Op1 Op2 cc rr %rd (4 bits) simm10 (10 bits)
10 ZZ C 0 RRRR ssssssssss
Op1 Op2 cc rr %rs (4 bits) %rd (4 bits) unused (6 bits)
10 ZZ C 1 RRRR RRRR 000000
Instruction Op2 cc
and 00 0
or 01 0
add 10 0
shift 11 -
andcc 00 1
orcc 01 1
addcc 10 1

Miscellaneous instructions

display: displays a register value on the seven segments displays

Op1 Op2 %rs (4 bits) unused (12 bits)
11 00 RRRR 000000000000

readIO: reads the current state of the switches and stores it in a register

Op1 Op2 %rd (4 bits) unused (12 bits)
11 01 RRRR 000000000000

halt: stops the program

Op1 Op2 unused 1s (16 bits)
11 11 1111111111111111

Example application

The processor is able to compute the Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence can be defined in assembly as:

.org 0
add %r0, %r0, %r1
add %r0, 1, %r2
fun: add %r1, %r2, %r3
add %r0, %r2, %r1
add %r0, %r3, %r2
ba fun

However, to showcase the full potential of our product, we designed an extended Fibonacci application that uses the majority of the functionality of our instruction set. Also, observe that a two-address machine cannot handle instructions that use three registers. Hence, our application is rewritten such that it only uses a maximum of two registers per instruction.

The example program is able to compute the nth Fibonacci number, where n is inputted by the user using the onboard switches. The application can also halve the result, if the user requires so.

readIO %r8					! let's start with getting user data
add %r9, 255, %r9				! store 011111111 in %r9
and %r8, %r9, %r9				! extract the wanted C value
st %r9, [C]					! store the wanted C value in memory
srl %r8, 8, %r8					! shift the read IO 8 places to extract the halving bit
st %r8, [H]					! and store the halving value

ld [H], %r4               			! loads whether or not we want half of the result
add %r2, 1, %r2
add %r6, 1, %r6 				! a 1 need for later
add %r7, 1, %r7					! a 1 need for later

start: ld [C], %r5				! keeps track of the iterations
addcc %r5, -1, %r5
st %r5, [C]
bneg ending

and %r0, %r3, %r3				! clear reg3
add %r2, %r3, %r3				! adds %r1 to %r2 and stores in %r3
add %r1, %r3, %r3				! ^^^^
and %r0, %r1, %r1				! clear reg1
add %r2, %r1, %r1				! stores %r2 in %r1
and %r0, %r2, %r2				! clear reg2
add %r3, %r2, %r2       			! %r2 will contain the result
ba start

ending: orcc %r4, %r0, %r0			! check if we want the full result
be display
andcc %r4, %r6, %r6	 			! check if we want half of the result
bne halving     

halving: and %r2, %r7, %r7			! check if the last bit is a 1 (then the number is odd)
srl %r2, 1, %r2					! divide the result by 2 using a shift right
add %r7, %r2, %r2				! and add the 1 back if it was odd

display: display %r2
halt             				! display the result

C: 0                    			! how many times we should run the function
H: 0                     			! H = 0, not halve; H = 1, halve

The program is preloaded in the main memory. It is possible to store multiple programs, when one places them after each other in the memory array.

Parts of the processor

This chapter gives a brief summary of different processor parts.


The controller is the brain of our processor. It is able to perform the fetch-decode-execute cycle. It fetches the instructions from the memory, stores them in the instruction register, and from there, interprets them (decode). After that, the controller sends signals to the other systems in the processor to make sure that the operation gets correctly executed.

We opted for a finite state machine (FSM) over microstore because a FSM is easier and more elegant to implement for smaller instruction sets. Although microstore allows for a more generalizable instruction set, a FSM should suffice in our case.


Datapath and dataflow

There is a significant number of signals that transport data between processes. To avoid confusion, we try to give the signals the same name in every process. This table contains the signals that are used to communicate between processes.

The global datapath schematic is shown in the following diagram.

Registerfile Structure

Register Function
Register 0-13 general purpose
Register 14 program counter
Register 15 instruction register

ALU and status bits

The ALU receieves F2F1F0 from the controller in order to communicate about the wanted operation.

F2 F1 F0 Operation
0 0 0 AND
0 0 1 OR
0 1 0 ADD
0 1 1 Shift right
1 0 0 ANDcc
1 0 1 ORcc
1 1 0 ANDcc
1 1 1 nothing (default value)

The ALU outputs the result, and sets the status bits (n/z/v/c) if required.


ACK_data is 1 if the datapath is not performing an operation. This signal is used to send to the controller that a new instruction can be fetched, decoded, and executed.


We designed the memory based on the von Neumann architecture. The memory is made up of a 2D array consisting of 128 blocks, where each block is made up of 4 bytes. This results in a word size of 32 bits. Hence, a complete instruction can reside in one memory block. The memory is synthesized on the FPGA. It will hence be built using flip-flops.

4 input signals are picked up by the memory. These inputs are ld, st, b, and address. We also use a data-in and data-out signal. ld and st tell the memory if we want to read or write respectively. These are used in combination with b, which tells us if we want to address bytes separately. The memory is able to perform 4 different operations. These operations are:

ld st b Operation
1 1 store the selected memory address in the 8 least significant bits of data-out
1 1 store the 8 least significant bits of data-in in memory at the selected address
1 0 store an entire word from memory in data-out
1 0 store data-in in 4 sequential bytes in memory


The DE1-SoC board has 10 switches, 10 LEDs, 4 momentary push buttons, and 6 seven segments displays. We connected the following functions to the onboard inputs:

Input Function
Button 0 reset
Button 1 next instruction (used during debugging)
Button 2 load an address (used during debugging)
Button 3 unused
Switch 0-8 input variables for the program (during normal operation), input memory address (during debugging)
Switch 9 activate debugging mode

And we connected the following functions to the onboard outputs:

Output Function
LED 0 c
LED 1 v
LED 2 z
LED 3 n
LED 4 rd
LED 5 wr
LED 6-9 unused
seven segment displays output of the application (during operation), memory contents (during debugging)


In the requirements, we stated that we should implement a debug mode. If the debug mode is active, the user should be able to step through the program one line at a time. Also, the user shall be able to load the contents of a memory address and display it using the seven-segment displays on the FPGA.

Observe that we can pause a program by stopping the controller in its fetch-decode-execute cycle. To accomplish this, we replaced

ELSIF (rising_edge(clk)) AND (halt = '0') AND (ACK_data = '1') THEN


ELSIF (rising_edge(clk)) AND (halt = '0') AND (ACK_data = '1') AND ((DEBUG /= '1') OR (DEBUG_NEXT = '1')) THEN

It can be seen that we added two new signals. DEBUG is 1 if the debug switch is turned on. DEBUG_NEXT is 1 for exactly 1 clock cycle when a user presses the 'next line' button.


One might wonder how we set DEBUG_NEXT to 1 for exactly 1 clock cycle when the user presses the button. The DEBUG_NEXT signal shall be an asynchronous input to the controller. Hence, we opted for a dedicated process debugging_faciliators that handles this input and transforms it to the required signal. debugging_faciliators also produces the signals for the rd and wr LEDs.


debugging_display sends the required signals to the displays and LEDs.

Installation and usage

Use the following files for compilation in ModelSim. These files can be compiled using the Auto Generate compile order function in ModelSim:


Run to verify the result. The input of the switches is defined in the do file. In register %r2, at the end, the value 494 should be stores. The displays show 494 in hexadecimal, which is 1EE.

Use the following files for synthesis in Quartus:


Synthesis results

If synthesized correctly, the code produces the following RTL view:


Contributions overview

Member Work
Joost Buursink Joost was the lead developer of the memory. He also designed most of the datapath.
Fabian Widlund Fabian worked on the datapath, the global port map, and parts of the final presentation.
Emil Imhagen Emil worked on debugging, IO, and the global port map.
Guus Branderhorst Guus designed the controller (in collaboration with Stach) and helped with the datapath.
Stach Redeker Stach designed the controller (in collaboration with Guus), worked on the debugging/IO, and wrote the majority of the documentation.

Future improvements

  • Making debugging work (at the moment, debugging does not work in simulation).
  • Display the Fibonacci values in decimal instead of hexadecimal.
  • A nice-to-have extra instruction would be a delay function (or another way to directly access the clock using the instruction set).


During this project, we developed a virtual processor that can be synthesized on the DE1-SoC board. The virtual processor is designed using VHDL and ships with an application that is able to compute the Fibonacci sequence.

References and acknowledgements

Bert Molenkamp has released a VHDL description of the ARC processor. Although the ARC processor is a three address machine, the overall code structuring was proven to be quite helpful during our project. Bert made his code open source and freely available. We will do the same, such that both systems can work as a base for new research and development.


JFEGS: a virtual processor for the DE1-SoC board, designed in VHDL. The processor ships with an application that is able to compute the Fibonacci sequence.







Contributors 4

