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Sowmiya Nagarajan edited this page Mar 21, 2020 · 3 revisions

So how does Stackbox work?

Docker infra

The whole project is based out of a docker-compose based core.

  • master.yaml has a master list and docker services config for all stackbox supported services
  • is the starting point. It makes use of to generate a docker-compose.yaml from the master.yaml based on the params.
  • then uses the generated docker-compose.yaml to up the containers with any configurations if necessary
  • All the containers thus end up communicating with each other on the same docker-network. The frontend, backend and services are bought together by this infra.


Most services are pre-configured to make sure the frontend and backend can seamlessly connect with each other.

1. MySQL

  • Exposed on 3306
  • Preloaded with database and tables from init.sql

2. Elasticsearch

  • Exposed on 9200
  • Single node cluster
  • Populated in the stack index with some data. Flask example -
  • Can be bought up along with kibana (another stackbox supported service) to aid in querying.

3. Kafka

  • Exposed via flask-sockets. Flask example - produce and consume from stackbox kafka topic.
  • Standalone python scripts and can also be used to test the kafka setup.
  • (index.html)[] has barebones ajax and html to connect to flask-kafka to produce and consume messages.

Backend Clients

1. Flask

Dockerized (flask)[] with clients for all supported services.

Frontend Clients

1. Vue

Dockerized (vue)[] with pages for all supported services.

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