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Add travis for overrides generation (#1221)
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pmalek-sumo committed Dec 4, 2020
1 parent c255a24 commit b9c965b
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Showing 2 changed files with 156 additions and 0 deletions.
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions .travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
lang: ruby
services: docker
- rm -f ./Gemfile.lock
- gem install bundler
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt install snapd
- sudo snap install helm --channel=2.16/stable --classic
- sudo curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/yq-3.2.1
- sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/yq-3.2.1
- sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/yq-3.2.1 /usr/local/bin/yq
- sudo apt install shellcheck
script: bash ci/
- /^release-v1\.\d+$/
- /^v1\.\d+\.\d+$/
- /^v1\.\d+\.\d+-(alpha|beta|rc)\.\d+$/
138 changes: 138 additions & 0 deletions ci/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@


echo "Starting build process in: $(pwd) with version tag: ${VERSION}"
err_report() {
echo "Script error on line $1"
exit 1
trap 'err_report $LINENO' ERR

function get_branch_to_checkout() {
[[ "${TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE}" == pull_request ]] \
|| echo "${TRAVIS_BRANCH}"

# Set up Github
if [ -n "$GITHUB_TOKEN" ]; then
git config --global ""
git config --global "Travis CI"
git remote add origin-repo "https://${GITHUB_TOKEN}" > /dev/null 2>&1
git fetch --unshallow origin-repo

readonly branch_to_checkout="$(get_branch_to_checkout)"
echo "Checking out the ${branch_to_checkout} branch..."
git checkout "${branch_to_checkout}"

# Check for invalid changes to generated yaml files (non-Tag builds)
# Exclude branches that start with "revert-" to allow reverts
if [ -n "$GITHUB_TOKEN" ] && [ "$TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE" == "pull_request" ] && [[ ! "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH" =~ ^revert- ]]; then
# Check most recent commit author. If non-Travis, check for changes made to generated files
recent_author=$(git log origin-repo/master..HEAD --format="%an" | grep -m1 "")
if echo "$recent_author" | grep -v -q -i "travis"; then
# NOTE(ryan, 2019-08-30): Append "|| true" to command to ignore non-zero exit code
changes=$(git log origin-repo/master..HEAD --name-only --format="" --author="$recent_author" | grep -i "fluentd-sumologic.yaml.tmpl\|fluent-bit-overrides.yaml\|prometheus-overrides.yaml\|falco-overrides.yaml") || true
if [ -n "$changes" ]; then
echo "Aborting due to manual changes detected in the following generated files: $changes"
exit 1

# Test if template files are generated correctly for various values.yaml
echo "Test helm templates generation"
if ./tests/; then
echo "Helm templates generation test passed"
echo "Tracing templates generation test failed"
exit 1

# Check for changes that require re-generating overrides yaml files
if [ -n "$GITHUB_TOKEN" ] && [ "$TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE" == "pull_request" ]; then
echo "Generating deployment yaml from helm chart..."
echo "# This file is auto-generated." > deploy/kubernetes/fluentd-sumologic.yaml.tmpl
sudo helm init --client-only
sudo helm repo add falcosecurity
sudo helm repo add prometheus-community
cd deploy/helm/sumologic || exit 1
sudo helm dependency update
cd ../../../ || exit 1

# NOTE(ryan, 2019-11-06): helm template -execute is going away in Helm 3 so we will need to revisit this
with_files=$(find deploy/helm/sumologic/templates/ -maxdepth 1 -iname "*.yaml" | sed 's#deploy/helm/sumologic/templates#-x templates#g' | sed 's/yaml/yaml \\/g')
eval 'sudo helm template deploy/helm/sumologic $with_files --namespace "\$NAMESPACE" --name collection --set dryRun=true >> deploy/kubernetes/fluentd-sumologic.yaml.tmpl --set sumologic.endpoint="bogus" --set sumologic.accessId="bogus" --set sumologic.accessKey="bogus"'

if [[ $(git diff deploy/kubernetes/fluentd-sumologic.yaml.tmpl) ]]; then
echo "Detected changes in 'fluentd-sumologic.yaml.tmpl', committing the updated version to $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH..."
git add deploy/kubernetes/fluentd-sumologic.yaml.tmpl
git commit -m "Generate new 'fluentd-sumologic.yaml.tmpl'"
git push --quiet origin-repo "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH"
echo "No changes in 'fluentd-sumologic.yaml.tmpl'."

echo "Generating setup job yaml from helm chart..."
echo "# This file is auto-generated." > deploy/kubernetes/setup-sumologic.yaml.tmpl

with_files=$(find deploy/helm/sumologic/templates/setup/ -maxdepth 1 -iname "*.yaml" | sed 's#deploy/helm/sumologic/templates#-x templates#g' | sed 's/yaml/yaml \\/g')
eval 'sudo helm template deploy/helm/sumologic $with_files --namespace "\$NAMESPACE" --name collection --set dryRun=true >> deploy/kubernetes/setup-sumologic.yaml.tmpl --set sumologic.accessId="\$SUMOLOGIC_ACCESSID" --set sumologic.accessKey="\$SUMOLOGIC_ACCESSKEY" --set sumologic.collectorName="\$COLLECTOR_NAME" --set sumologic.clusterName="\$CLUSTER_NAME"'
if [[ $(git diff deploy/kubernetes/setup-sumologic.yaml.tmpl) ]]; then
echo "Detected changes in 'setup-sumologic.yaml.tmpl', committing the updated version to $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH..."
git add deploy/kubernetes/setup-sumologic.yaml.tmpl
git commit -m "Generate new 'setup-sumologic.yaml.tmpl'"
git push --quiet origin-repo "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH"
echo "No changes in 'setup-sumologic.yaml.tmpl'."

# Generate override yaml files for chart dependencies to determine if changes are made to overrides yaml files
echo "Generating overrides files..."

echo "Copy metrics-server section from 'values.yaml' to 'metrics-server-overrides.yaml'"
echo "# This file is auto-generated." > deploy/helm/metrics-server-overrides.yaml
# Copy lines of metrics_server section and remove indention from values.yaml
yq r deploy/helm/sumologic/values.yaml metrics-server | yq d - enabled >> deploy/helm/metrics-server-overrides.yaml

echo "Copy fluent-bit section from 'values.yaml' to 'fluent-bit-overrides.yaml'"
echo "# This file is auto-generated." > deploy/helm/fluent-bit-overrides.yaml
# Copy lines of fluent-bit section and remove indention from values.yaml
yq r deploy/helm/sumologic/values.yaml fluent-bit | yq d - enabled >> deploy/helm/fluent-bit-overrides.yaml

echo "Copy prometheus-operator section from 'values.yaml' to 'prometheus-overrides.yaml'"
echo "# This file is auto-generated." > deploy/helm/prometheus-overrides.yaml
# Copy lines of prometheus-operator section and remove indention from values.yaml
yq r deploy/helm/sumologic/values.yaml prometheus-operator >> deploy/helm/prometheus-overrides.yaml

echo "Copy prometheus.prometheusSpec.remoteWrite from 'prometheus-overrides.yaml' and inject into 'deploy/kubernetes/kube-prometheus-sumo-logic-mixin.libsonnet'"
prometheus_remote_write=$(yq r deploy/helm/prometheus-overrides.yaml prometheus.prometheusSpec.remoteWrite -j | jq '.' | sed 's/^/ /')
# Escaping so sed will work
echo "// This file is autogenerated" > deploy/kubernetes/kube-prometheus-sumo-logic-mixin.libsonnet
sed "s#\[\/\*REMOTE_WRITE\*\/\]#$prometheus_remote_write#" ci/jsonnet-mixin.tmpl | sed 's#"http://$(CHART).$(NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local:9888\/#$._config.sumologicCollectorSvc + "#g' | sed 's/+: /+: /' | sed -r 's/"(\w*)":/\1:/g' > deploy/kubernetes/kube-prometheus-sumo-logic-mixin.libsonnet

echo "Copy falco section from 'values.yaml' to 'falco-overrides.yaml'"
echo "# This file is auto-generated." > deploy/helm/falco-overrides.yaml
# Copy lines of falco section and remove indention from values.yaml
yq r deploy/helm/sumologic/values.yaml falco | yq d - enabled >> deploy/helm/falco-overrides.yaml

if [ "$(git diff deploy/helm/metrics-server-overrides.yaml)" ] || [ "$(git diff deploy/helm/fluent-bit-overrides.yaml)" ] || [ "$(git diff deploy/helm/prometheus-overrides.yaml)" ] || [ "$(git diff deploy/helm/falco-overrides.yaml)" ] || [ "$(git diff deploy/kubernetes/kube-prometheus-sumo-logic-mixin.libsonnet)" ]; then
echo "Detected changes in 'fluent-bit-overrides.yaml', 'prometheus-overrides.yaml', 'falco-overrides.yaml', or 'kube-prometheus-sumo-logic-mixin.libsonnet', committing the updated version to $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH..."
git add deploy/helm/*-overrides.yaml
git add deploy/kubernetes/kube-prometheus-sumo-logic-mixin.libsonnet
git commit -m "Generate new overrides yaml/libsonnet file(s)."
git push --quiet origin-repo "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH"
echo "No changes in the generated overrides files."

echo "DONE"

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