A Social media automation bot integrated with ai to make social media management easier
Some business find it hard to manage social media due to which they hire virtual assistant but it costs a lot and sometimes assistants are not effective.
To solve the above problem problem I have created gmate which automates gmail, whatsapp, messaging and writes content using cohere ai.
1. Nodejs
2. Supabase Account
The project is divided into two parts one is frontend and other is backend
In this we install the frontend after setting up the frontend go to backend repository and set it up by following the instructions
1. Fork the repo
2. git clone https://github.com/[your username]/MediaBot
3. cd MediaBot
4. npm install
5. Add supabase tokens in the project
5. npm run dev
- React.js
- Html
- Css
- Javascript
- Azure
- Express
- Styled Components
Contributions are always welcome!