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Tokenizing Real World Assets


In reality, commercial real estate holds a significant role in the overall world economy. According to MSCI, the global real estate market increased from $8.9 trillion in 2018 to $9.6 trillion in 2019. Although it seems like the industry is doing quite well, it actually consists of many frictions and liquidity issues.

We are here trying to tokenize all the real estate document information so as to give right of ownership of property to the owner of the token.This requires special attention therefore we went ahead and made datatokens using ocean protocol.We can induce data economy by tokenizing different real world things to have access of their information to be solely related to just one person or the person that owns that particular real world asset.

Advantages of such system -

  • Easy auctioning of property
  • Easy and efficient verification of real estate
  • Buying and selling of property can be done with minimal paperwork
  • In the time of social isolation showing documents is difficult but having authentic token is easy
  • Due to app being decentralized ,it is not under any central authority which makes it great for the end user
  • Eradicating corruption norms and high broker fees , instead the dealing can be done with two parties all by themselves
  • Access to information and paperwork can be transferred with minimalistic cost

Starting the project

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Make sure you have node installed npm install
  3. npm run start
  4. npm run dev
  5. open browser at http://localhost:9000/


  • Portis Account or a genral metamask account