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This article in the Syncfusion Knowledge Base explains how to highlight selected data points by using GetDataPoints method in .NET MAUI Cartesian Charts

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This article in the Syncfusion Knowledge Base explains how to highlight selected data points by using GetDataPoints method in .NET MAUI Cartesian Charts

The .NET MAUI Cartesian Chart offers various customization options for improved data visualization. The Cartesian series provides the GetDataPoints method to retrieve the data points that fall within a specified rectangular area or within defined X and Y coordinate ranges. This article will guide you through the process of highlighting selected data points using the GetDataPoints method.

Step 1: Create the Extension Class Create an extension class inherited from the ChartInteractiveBehavior class to handle the custom touch interactions on the chart. Define fields for storing the starting and ending coordinates of the touch and a flag to indicate when the rectangle should be shown. Implement the IDrawable interface to draw the selection rectangle. Override the OnTouchDown, OnTouchMove, and OnTouchUp methods to manage the drawing and selection process.

OnTouchDown Method : Capture the initial touch point when the user touches down on the chart.

OnTouchMove Method : Update the end coordinates of the selection rectangle dynamically.

OnTouchDown Method : Finalize the rectangle dimensions by utilizing the SeriesBounds, which provides the actual rendering bounds of chart series. Then, get the data points that fall inside the rectangle using the GetDataPoints method. Update the indexes of these data points to the SelectedIndexes property of ChartSelectionBehavior.

Here's the complete code for the custom interaction class:


public class ChartInteractionExt : ChartInteractiveBehavior, IDrawable, INotifyPropertyChanged
    float startX;
    float startY;
    float endX;
    float endY;
    bool showRect = false;
    public GraphicsView Graphics { get; set; }

    public void Draw(ICanvas canvas, RectF dirtyRect)
        if (showRect)
            canvas.StrokeColor = Colors.Black;
            canvas.StrokeSize = 2;
            canvas.DrawRectangle(startX, startY, endX, endY);

    protected override void OnTouchDown(ChartBase chart, float pointX, float pointY)
        var seriesBounds = chart.SeriesBounds;
        startX = pointX - seriesBounds.Left;
        startY = pointY - seriesBounds.Top;
        showRect = true;

    protected override void OnTouchMove(ChartBase chart, float pointX, float pointY)
        if (showRect)
            var seriesBounds = chart.SeriesBounds;
            endX = pointX - startX - seriesBounds.Left;
            endY = pointY - startY - seriesBounds.Top;

    protected override void OnTouchUp(ChartBase chart, float pointX, float pointY)
        if (showRect && chart is SfCartesianChart cartesianChart)
            var viewModel = chart.BindingContext as ScatterSeriesViewModel;
            var rect = new Rect(startX, startY, endX, endY);

            var selectedIndexes = new List<int>();
            foreach (var series in cartesianChart.Series)
                if (series is ScatterSeries scatterSeries)
                    var dataPoints = scatterSeries.GetDataPoints(rect);
                    if (dataPoints != null && viewModel != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < viewModel.Data.Count; i++)
                            if (dataPoints.Contains(viewModel.Data[i]))
                        scatterSeries.SelectionBehavior.SelectedIndexes = selectedIndexes;
            showRect = false;

Step 2: Assign the Extension Class to the Chart Assign the ChartInteractionExt class to the InteractiveBehavior property of the SfCartesianChart. Define the GraphicsView in the PlotAreaBackgroundView to handle custom drawing. [XAML]

        <GraphicsView Drawable="{x:Reference InteractionExt}" x:Name="graphicsView" InputTransparent="True" ZIndex="1"/>
        <local:ChartInteractionExt x:Name="InteractionExt" Graphics="{x:Reference graphicsView}"/>
    . . .
        <chart:ScatterSeries ItemsSource="{Binding Data}" XBindingPath="Value" YBindingPath="Size" PointWidth="8" Opacity="0.8" Fill="#FE7A36" PointHeight="8" >
                <chart:DataPointSelectionBehavior Type="Multiple"  SelectionBrush="#3652AD"/>


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This article in the Syncfusion Knowledge Base explains how to highlight selected data points by using GetDataPoints method in .NET MAUI Cartesian Charts







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