Send a notification when you post a new instragram on discord
Clone the Project or download it.
Then open a terminal in the project folder.
Do an npm install to install the dependencies.
Change the name of the file example_config.js to config.js
And complete the following information. Put the information in the ' '
webhook: 'Link webkoook',
sessionID: 'Session cookie',
user: 'Instagram account username'
How to get the sessionID go to , and login.
Press CTRL + SHIFT + I.
Go to the tab Application / Storage the name may change depending on your browser.
Search for sessionid next to the one with the value, copy it, and paste it into the sessionID.
Once all this is done. Make node index.js a request will be made every 20 seconds.
To keep the program running in the background on your server you can use pm2 if you have it. pm2 start index.js --name "Webhook-Intagram ". You can choose any name you want.
Works only on public profiles
Discord: 𝓢amuel#7455
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