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IRONM00N edited this page Oct 11, 2021 · 1 revision

Custom Types

New Type

We have to access the command handler's TypeResolver in order to add new types for our arguments.
To add a new type:

this.commandHandler = new CommandHandler(this, {
  /* Options here */
this.commandHandler.resolver.addType("pokemon", (message, phrase) => {
  if (!phrase) return null;

  for (const pokemon of pokemonList) {
    if ( === phrase.toLowerCase()) {
      return pokemon;

  return null;

We now have a new type called pokemon which we can use in a command!
Simply do type: 'pokemon' for an argument and everything will work as expected.

With Message

Let's say we want to add a type that would get a role based on the input.
This means we need access to the guild through the message.
Good thing the first parameter is the message!

this.commandHandler.resolver.addType("colorRole", (message: Message, phrase: string) => {
  if (!phrase) return null;

  const roles = {
    red: "225939226628194304",
    blue: "225939219841810432",
    green: "225939232512802816"

  const role = message.guild.roles.cache.get(roles[phrase.toLowerCase()]);
  return role || null;

So now, using the type colorRole, we can get either red, blue, or green from the input and end up with corresponding role object!

Accessing Another Type

To get another type for use, you use the type method on TypeResolver.
The following gives the member type and we can use as part of another type.

this.commandHandler.resolver.addType("moderator", (message: Message, phrase: string) => {
  if (!phrase) return null;
  const memberType = this.commandHandler.resolver.type("member");
  const member = memberType(message, phrase);
  if (!member.roles.cache.has("222089067028807682")) return null;
  return member;