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IRONM00N edited this page Oct 11, 2021 · 1 revision

Unordered Arguments

Any Order!

Arguments can be made to be unordered.
For example, if you want a command where the arguments are a role and a member in any order:

import { Command } from "discord-akairo";
import { GuildMember, Message, Role } from "discord.js";

export default class AddRoleCommand extends Command {
  constructor() {
    super("addrole", {
      aliases: ["addrole"],
      args: [
          id: "member",
          type: "member",
          unordered: true
          id: "role",
          type: "role",
          unordered: true
      userPermissions: ["ADMINISTRATOR"],
      channel: "guild"

  async exec(message: Message, args: { member: GuildMember; role: Role }) {
    await args.member.roles.add(args.role);
    return message.reply("Done!");

The above command would work as !addrole member role and !addrole role member.
No phrase will be parsed twice, for example, if the first phrase matched as a member, the role argument will ignore the first phrase and start with the second.

Only the match type phrase (which is by default) works with the unordered option.
Other match types will ignore this behavior.

To choose a index to be unordered from (e.g. from the second phrase onwards) use a number, e.g. unordered: 1.
To choose specific indices to be unordered on, use an array, e.g. unordered: [0, 1, 2].

With Defaults or Prompts

Unordered arguments have a slightly different behavior when used with a default value and/or a prompt.

If an unordered argument has a default and nothing matches, the default is used.
If there is a prompt and nothing matches:

  • If the prompt is optional, the default value is used.
  • If not, the prompt is started as if no input was given.

So, if you do have a prompt, make sure the optional option is not used or else it will prompt not at all.