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IRONM00N edited this page Oct 11, 2021 · 1 revision


Permission Flags

Some commands should only be used by someone with certain permissions.
There are options to help you do this.
The two options to use are clientPermissions and userPermissions.

import { Command } from "discord-akairo";
import { GuildMember, Message } from "discord.js";

export default class BanCommand extends Command {
  constructor() {
    super("ban", {
      aliases: ["ban"],
      args: [
          id: "member",
          type: "member"
      clientPermissions: ["BAN_MEMBERS"],
      userPermissions: ["BAN_MEMBERS"],
      channel: "guild"

  async exec(message: Message, args: { member: GuildMember }): Promise<Message> {
    if (!args.member) {
      return message.reply("No member found with that name.");

    await args.member.ban();
    return message.reply(`${args.member} was banned!`);

This now checks for the required permissions for the client, then the user.
When blocked, it emits missingPermissions on the command handler.
It will pass the message, command, either client or user, then the missing permissions.

Dynamic Permissions

Sometimes, you may want to check for a role instead of permission flags.
This means you can use a function instead of an array!
A function can be used on both clientPermissions and userPermissions.

The return value is the missing parameter that is sent to the missingPermissions event.
If the return value is null, then that means they're not missing anything.

import { Command } from "discord-akairo";
import { GuildMember, Message } from "discord.js";

export default class BanCommand extends Command {
  constructor() {
    super("ban", {
      aliases: ["ban"],
      args: [
          id: "member",
          type: "member"
      clientPermissions: ["BAN_MEMBERS"],
      channel: "guild"

  userPermissions(message: Message) {
    if (!message.member.roles.cache.some(role => === "Moderator")) {
      return "Moderator";

    return null;

  async exec(message: Message, args: { member: GuildMember }): Promise<Message> {
    if (!args.member) {
      return message.reply("No member found with that name.");

    await args.member.ban();
    return message.reply(`${args.member} was banned!`);