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Week 1
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Tarang74 committed Aug 17, 2023
1 parent af43741 commit 0e2aeac
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Showing 9 changed files with 657 additions and 54 deletions.
File renamed without changes.
Binary file added EGB342 Lecture Notes.pdf
Binary file not shown.
334 changes: 334 additions & 0 deletions EGB342 Lecture Notes.tex

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion LaTeX-Submodule
Submodule LaTeX-Submodule updated 1 files
+5 −8 template.tex
76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions MATLAB/Week_1.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
Fs = 8000; % Sampling rate
T = 0.2; % Duration

Fm = 10; % Message signal frequency
Ac = 1; % Carrier amplitude
Fc = 300; % Carrier frequency

samples = Fs * T;

% Time vector
t = linspace(0, T, samples + 1); t(end) = [];
% Frequency vector
f = linspace(-Fs / 2, Fs / 2, samples + 1); f(end) = [];

x = cos(2 * pi * Fm * t); % Message signal
c = Ac * cos(2 * pi * Fc * t); % Carrier waveform

%% DSB-SC modulation
y1 = x .* c;

figure(), title('DSB-SC'), subplot(2, 1, 1)
plot(t, x, 'm', 'LineWidth', 1), hold on
plot(t, c, 'c--'), plot(t, y1, 'k--')
xlabel('Time (sec)'), ylabel('Amplitude')
legend('m(t)', 'c(t)', 's(t)')

% Spectral Characteristics of the DSB-SC signal
X = fft(x); C = fft(c); Y = fft(y1);

subplot(2, 1, 2)
stem(f, abs(fftshift(X)) / Fs, '.m', 'LineWidth', 1), hold on
stem(f, abs(fftshift(C)) / Fs, '.c')
stem(f, abs(fftshift(Y)) / Fs, '.k')
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'), ylabel('Magnitude')
legend('M(f)', 'C(f)', 'Y(f)'), axis([-2 * Fc 2 * Fc 0 0.15])

%% DSB-FC modulation
mu = 2; % Modulating index
y2 = (1 + mu * x) .* c;

figure(), title('DSB-FC'), subplot(2, 1, 1)
plot(t, x, 'm', 'LineWidth', 1), hold on
plot(t, c, 'c--'), plot(t, y2, 'k--')
xlabel('Time (sec)'), ylabel('Amplitude')
legend('m(t)', 'c(t)', 'y(t)')

% Task - Change the modulation index, and observe the resultant modulated signal.
% Comment on the results

% Spectral Characteristics of the DSB-FC signal
Y = fft(y2);

subplot(2, 1, 2)
stem(f, abs(fftshift(X)) / Fs, '.m', 'LineWidth', 1), hold on
stem(f, abs(fftshift(C)) / Fs, '.c')
stem(f, abs(fftshift(Y)) / Fs, '.k')
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'), ylabel('Magnitude')
legend('M(f)', 'C(f)', 'Y(f)'), axis([-2 * Fc 2 * Fc 0 0.15])

%% Recovering the original signal
x_baseband = y2;
x_baseband(x_baseband < 0) = 0; % Rectified Signal

X_filt = fft(x_baseband); % Spectral components
X_filt(abs(ifftshift(f)) > 2 * Fm) = 0; % Filtering to remove high frequency carrier

x_demod = real(ifft(X_filt)); % Recover the signal
x_demod = x_demod - mean(x_demod); % Remove the DC bias

% Plot against original
hold on
plot(t, x, 'k')
plot(t, x_demod, 'r--')
xlabel('Time [s]'), ylabel('Amplitude')
legend('x(t)', 'x_{rx}(t)')
53 changes: 0 additions & 53 deletions QUT-Notes-Template Lecture Notes.tex

This file was deleted.

Binary file added figures/communications_system.pdf
Binary file not shown.
173 changes: 173 additions & 0 deletions make_figures.bat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@


@REM Display help text
IF "%~1"=="-h" GOTO :help
IF "%~1"=="-help" GOTO :help

@REM Set global variables
@REM Script name
SET scriptname=%~nx0

@REM Script mode
SET /A file=0
SET /A recursive=0

@REM Options
SET /A verbose=0
SET /A open=0

SET /A tex="a"

@REM Set mode
IF "%1"=="" GOTO :noMode

IF "%1"=="recursive" (
SET recursive=1
) ELSE (
IF "%1"=="file" (
SET file=1
) ELSE (
GOTO :invalidMode

SET directory=%~1

IF %file%==1 (
SET tex=%~1

@REM If no parameters, build without opening
IF "%1"=="" GOTO :default

@REM Loop through all parameters
SET /A numP=0

@REM Use numP to test each parameter for validity
SET numP=0

@REM Check options
IF "%1"=="-v" (
SET numP=1
SET verbose=1
) ELSE (
IF "%1"=="-verbose" (
SET numP=1
SET verbose=1
IF "%1"=="-o" (
SET numP=1
SET open=1
) ELSE (
IF "%1"=="-open" (
SET numP=1
SET open=1

@REM If current option is not valid
IF !numP!==0 GOTO :invalidOption

@REM Shift variables and loop if another option exists
IF NOT "%1"=="" GOTO :loop

:: Default
IF NOT EXIST "%directory%" GOTO :invalidDirectory

IF %recursive%==1 (
FOR /R "%directory%" %%i IN (*.TIKZ) DO (
SET tex=%%~ni
CALL :main
) ELSE (
CALL :main

@REM Finally:

:: Main function
@REM Verbose options
IF %verbose%==0 (
CALL :buildPDF
) ELSE (
CALL :buildPDFv

@REM Open options
IF %open%==1 (


:: Build PDF
ECHO -- Building PDF --
latexmk -aux-directory=Debug -shell-escape -file-line-error -interaction=nonstopmode -halt-on-error -output-directory=figures -silent -xelatex %directory%/%tex%.tikz

:: Build PDF verbose
ECHO -- Building PDF -- (v)
latexmk -aux-directory=Debug -shell-escape -file-line-error -interaction=nonstopmode -halt-on-error -output-directory=figures -verbose -xelatex %directory%/%tex%.tikz

:: Open PDF
ECHO -- Opening PDF --

:: Help
ECHO %scriptname% compile tikz diagrams using XeLaTeX.
ECHO Usage: %scriptname% file [directory] [filename] [options]
ECHO %scriptname% recursive [directory] [options]
ECHO Available options:
ECHO %scriptname% [-h ^| -help] Provides help information.
ECHO %scriptname% [filename] [-v ^| -verbose] Show compiler output.
ECHO %scriptname% [filename] [-o ^| -open] Open the PDF after compilation.

:: No Mode
ECHO No mode provided. [file ^| recursive] expected.
ECHO Try "%scriptname% -h" for more information.

:: Invalid Option
ECHO Unknown option: %1
ECHO Try "%scriptname% -h" for more information.

:: Invalid Mode
ECHO Invalid mode provided. [file ^| recursive] expected.
ECHO Try "%scriptname% -h" for more information.

:: No Directory
ECHO No directory was supplied.
ECHO Try "%scriptname% -h" for more information.

:: Invalid Directory
ECHO Directory "%directory%" is invalid.
ECHO Try "%scriptname% -h" for more information.
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions tikz/communications_system.tikz
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX options = -aux-directory=Debug -shell-escape -file-line-error -interaction=nonstopmode -halt-on-error -synctex=1 "%DOC%"

\setmathfont{Latin Modern Math}
\setmathfont{TeX Gyre Pagella Math}[range={bb,bbit}, Scale=MatchUppercase]


\node [
text width=2cm,
inner sep=0.3cm,
minimum height=1.2cm
] (sp1) {Signal\\ Processing};
\node [
text width=2cm,
minimum height=1.2cm,
inner sep=0.3cm,
right=1cm of sp1
] (cc1) {Carrier\\ Circuit};
\node [
text width=2.5cm,
minimum height=1.2cm,
inner sep=0.3cm,
right=2cm of cc1
] (tm) {Transmission\\ Medium\\ (Channel)};
\node [
text width=2cm,
minimum height=1.2cm,
inner sep=0.3cm,
right=2cm of tm
] (cc2) {Carrier\\ Circuit};
\node [
text width=2cm,
minimum height=1.2cm,
inner sep=0.3cm,
right=1cm of cc2
] (sp2) {Signal\\ Processing};
\draw[<-] (sp1.west) -- ++ (-3, 0) node[at end, anchor=west, below right, label={[at end, above right, align=left]Information\\ Input}] {\(m\left( t \right)\)};
\draw[->] (sp1.east) -- (cc1.west);
\draw[->] (cc1.east) -- (tm.west) node[midway, below] {\(s\left( t \right)\)};
\draw[<-] (tm.north) -- ++ (0, 1.5) node[at end, anchor=south, above, text width=1cm, align=center] {Noise\\\(n\left( t \right)\)};
\draw[->] (tm.east) -- (cc2.west) node[midway, below] {\(r\left( t \right)\)};
\draw[->] (cc2.east) -- (sp2.west);
\draw[->] (sp2.east) -- ++ (3, 0) node[at end, anchor=east, below left, label={[at end, above left, align=right]Information\\ Output}] {\(\hat{m}\left( t \right)\)};
\draw[decorate,decoration={calligraphic brace,mirror,amplitude=0.3cm,raise=0.2cm},line width=0.03cm] (sp1.south west) -- (cc1.south east) node[midway, below=0.5cm] {Transmitter};
\draw[decorate,decoration={calligraphic brace,mirror,amplitude=0.3cm,raise=0.2cm},line width=0.03cm] (cc2.south west) -- (sp2.south east) node[midway, below=0.5cm] {Receiver};

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