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Server side event framework built on Java EE APIs


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Jesse stands for Java Enterprise Server Side Events. It is a framework built using JEE APIs to provide server-side event capability in a JEE web application.

Getting Started

Adding It to your project

Add This to your dependencies :



You need to add some entries into your web.xml

        <servlet-name>{Servlet Name}</servlet-name>
        <servlet-class>me.kisoft.jesse.JesseServlet</servlet-class >
        <servlet-name>{Servlet Name}</servlet-name>
        <url-pattern>{URI mapping}</url-pattern>

If you would like to use your own implementation of the SseSessionManager, then you need to add the following init params to your servlet defenition

    <init-param >
        <param-name>me.kisoft.jesse.session.manager</param-name >
        <param-value>{Class name of session manager}</param-value >
    </init-param >

You can also set the interval for the Keep-Alive, by using this paramter

    <init-param >
        <param-name>me.kisoft.jesse.session.keepalive.interval</param-name >
        <param-value>{interval in secconds}</param-value >
    </init-param >

You can also specify the domains that are allowed to access the event stream, by setting this parameter. Otherwise, it defaults to the domain that made the request(effectively all domains)

    <init-param >
        <param-name></param-name >
        <param-value>{comma,separated,domain,names}</param-value >
    </init-param >

Aditionally, you can add mappers for MediaTypes, by adding this to the web.xml


You can add your own custom mappers by implementing the MapperFeature interface.

For example,this is a complete configuration with a custom session manager and the Jackson Mapper

    <servlet >
        <servlet-name> EventStream Endpoint </servlet-name>
        <servlet-class>me.kisoft.jesse.JesseServlet</servlet-class >
            <param-name >me.kisoft.jesse.session.manager</param-name >
            <param-value>me.kisoft.core.sse.BusrSessionManager</param-value >
        <init-param >
            <param-name>me.kisoft.jesse.session.keepalive.enabled</param-name >
            <param-value>true</param-value >
         </init-param >
        <servlet-name> EventStream Endpoint </servlet-name>

And Thats it! you are now ready to go


Sending Sse Events


Lets break this code down

DefaultSessionManager is the default implementation of the session manager, which is used by default if no custom SessionManager is provided. It stores all active sessions in a list, and you can broadcast events to groups of sessions, individual sessions, or all sessions.

SseEventBuilder is a utility class to build a new SseEvent. event("test") sets the type of the event to "test", mediaType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) sets the media type to JSON, id(33) sets the event id to "33", retry(500) sets the retry interval to 500ms, data(notificationData) sends notification as the event data, and build() creates the SseEvent based on the previous functions. The resulting event would be

id: 33
event: test
retry: 500
data:  {"parameter1":"value1","parameter2":"value2",.....,"parametern":"valuen"}

Custom Session Managers

a custom session manager can be created by extending the SseSessionManager class. By default, the sessions are not stored anywhere, so it is up to you to store them in whatever way you see fit.

The following methods are mandatory to implement

onOpen(SseSession sseSession) throws WebApplicationExceptoion : This method is called when a new session is opened. WebApplicationException will terminate this session with the corrseponding Http Response code.

onClose(SseSession sseSession) throws WebApplicationExceptoion : This method is called when a session is being closed. will terminate this session. Should not throw any exceptions

onError(SseSession sseSession) : This method is called if there is an error during opening the session. It should be used for logging/checking if resources were cleared.

Custom Feature Mapping

a custom feature mapper can be created by implementing the MapperFeature interface. As a note, feature registration is global for Jesse, meaning that all your SseSessions will use the same mapper modules. You need to implement these functions

serialize(Object object) throws WebApplicationException converts the Object into a String form for this mapper feature.

getMediaTypeString() returns the String representation of the MediaType that the Mapper will handle.

getMediaType() returns the JAX-RS MediaType representation that the Mapper will handle.

For now, MapperFeatures are restricted to handling the JAX-RS MediaTypes only, but that might change in the future.


Nothing fancy, just clone and build using the pom.xml file. Unit tests are included