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Customizing the serialization format

The serialization and deserialization of FSharp.SystemTextJson can be customized in two ways: using global options, and by adding attributes to specific types and properties.

Global options

How to apply options

The way to customize the serialization format depends on how FSharp.SystemTextJson is used.

  • When using JsonFSharpOptions (the recommended way), the options are customized using fluent methods.

    let options =

    Additionally, the format can be set for specific types. The method WithOverrides takes a function from JsonFSharpOptions to IDictionary<System.Type, JsonFSharpOptions> that lists the customized types.

    let options =
            .WithOverrides(fun options ->
                dict [
                    // Use the main options with a few changes:
                    typeof<MySpecialUnion>, options
                    // Use completely new options:
                    typeof<AnotherUnion>, JsonFSharpOptions.FSharpLuLike()

    Finally, the method WithAllowOverride() allows the custom format to be overridden by a JsonFSharpConverterAttribute (see below). By default, when using JsonFSharpOptions, JsonFSharpConverterAttribute is ignored.

    Any option named Foo in this documentation is set using the method .WithFoo(), and unset with the method .WithFoo(false).

  • When using JsonFSharpConverterAttribute, the attribute itself takes customization options as mutable properties.

    [<JsonFSharpConverter(BaseUnionEncoding = JsonUnionEncoding.InternalTag)>]
    type MySpecialUnion =
        | MyCase of int
        | MyOtherCase of string

Initial options

JsonFSharpOptions has a number of static methods that provide different baseline settings.

  • JsonFSharpOptions.Default() is the default encoding. It is equivalent to:

  • JsonFSharpOptions.NewtonsoftLike() causes similar behavior to the library Json.NET (aka Newtonsoft.Json). It is equivalent to:

  • JsonFSharpOptions.ThothLike() causes similar behavior to the library Thoth.Json's auto encoding. It is equivalent to:

  • JsonFSharpOptions.FSharpLuLike() causes similar behavior to the library FSharpLu.Json in Compact mode. It is equivalent to:


Base union encoding

There are four base encodings available for F# unions. These encodings and their names are inspired by Rust's excellent Serde library, although they differ in some specifics.

Examples in this section will serialize values of the following type:

type Example =
    | NoArgs
    | WithOneArg of aFloat: float
    | WithArgs of anInt: int * aString: string

Adjacent tag

UnionAdjacentTag is the default format.

It represents unions similarly to the Json.NET library. A union value is serialized into a JSON object with the following fields:

  • A field "Case" whose value is a string representing the name of the union case;
  • If the case has fields, a field "Fields" whose value is an array.

For example:

let options =

JsonSerializer.Serialize(NoArgs, options)
// --> {"Case":"NoArgs"}

JsonSerializer.Serialize(WithOneArg 3.14, options)
// --> {"Case":"WithOneArg","Fields":[3.14]}

JsonSerializer.Serialize(WithArgs (123, "Hello, world!"), options)
// --> {"Case":"WithArgs","Fields":[123,"Hello, world!"]}

The names "Case" and "Fields" can be customized (see unionTagName and unionFieldsName below).

External tag

UnionExternalTag represents unions similarly to FSharpLu.Json. A union value is serialized as a JSON object with one field, whose name is the name of the union case, and whose value is an array.

let options =

JsonSerializer.Serialize(NoArgs, options)
// --> {"NoArgs":[]}

JsonSerializer.Serialize(WithOneArg 3.14, options)
// --> {"WithOneArg":[3.14]}

JsonSerializer.Serialize(WithArgs (123, "Hello, world!"), options)
// --> {"WithArgs":[123,"Hello, world!"]}

Internal tag

UnionInternalTag represents unions similarly to Thoth.Json's auto encoding. A union value is serialized as a JSON array whose first item is the name of the case, and the rest are its fields.

let options =

JsonSerializer.Serialize(NoArgs, options)
// --> ["NoArgs"]

JsonSerializer.Serialize(WithOneArg 3.14, options)
// --> ["WithOneArg",3.14]

JsonSerializer.Serialize(WithArgs (123, "Hello, world!"), options)
// --> ["WithArgs",123,"Hello, world!"]


UnionUntagged represents unions as an object whose fields have the names and values of the union's fields. The name of the case is not encoded at all. Deserialization is only possible if the fields of all cases have different names.

let options = 

JsonSerializer.Serialize(NoArgs, options)
// --> {}

JsonSerializer.Serialize(WithOneArg 3.14, options)
// --> {"aFloat":3.14}

JsonSerializer.Serialize(WithArgs (123, "Hello, world!"), options)
// --> {"anInt":123,"aString":"Hello world!"}

This flag also sets the NamedFields additional flag (see below).

Base union encoding with JsonFSharpConverterAttribute

The base union encoding on a type using JsonFSharpConverterAttribute is set using the property BaseUnionEncoding of type JsonUnionEncoding.

[<JsonFSharpConverter(BaseUnionEncoding = JsonUnionEncoding.ExternalTag)>]
type Example =
    | NoArgs
    | WithOneArg of aFloat: float
    | WithArgs of anInt: int * aString: string

Named union fields

UnionNamedFields causes the fields of a union to be encoded as a JSON object rather than an array. The properties of the object are named after the value's fields (aFloat, anInt and aString in our example). Its exact effect depends on the base format:

  • With UnionAdjacentTag, it replaces the array of case fields with an object.

    let options =
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(NoArgs, options)
    // --> {"Case":"NoArgs"}
    // (same format as without NamedFields)
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(WithOneArg 3.14, options)
    // --> {"Case":"WithOneArg","Fields":{"aFloat":3.14}}
    //                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    //                        Instead of [3.14]
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(WithArgs (123, "Hello, world!"), options)
    // --> {"Case":"WithArgs","Fields":{"anInt":123,"aString":"Hello, world!"}}
    //                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    //                      Instead of [123,"Hello, world!"]
  • With UnionExternalTag, it replaces the array of case fields with an object.

    let options =
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(NoArgs, options)
    // --> {"NoArgs":{}}
    //               ^^
    //    Instead of []
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(WithOneArg 3.14, options)
    // --> {"WithOneArg":{"aFloat":3.14}}
    //                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    //        Instead of [3.14]
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(WithArgs (123, "Hello, world!"), options)
    // --> {"WithArgs":{"anInt":123,"aString":"Hello, world!"}}
    //                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    //      Instead of [123,"Hello, world!"]
  • With UnionInternalTag, it replaces the entire value with an object. The property containing the case's name is named "Case".

    let options =
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(NoArgs, options)
    // --> {"Case":"NoArgs"}
    // Instead of ["NoArgs"]
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(WithOneArg 3.14, options)
    // --> {"Case":"WithOneArg","aFloat":3.14}
    // Instead of ["WithOneArg",3.14]
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(WithArgs (123, "Hello, world!"), options)
    // --> {"Case":"WithArgs","anInt":123,"aString":"Hello, world!"}
    // Instead of ["WithArgs",123,"Hello, world!"]

    The name "Case" can be customized (see UnionTagName below).

  • UnionUntagged is unchanged by UnionNamedFields.

If a field doesn't have a name specified in F# code, then a default name is assigned by the compiler: Item if the case has a single field, and Item1, Item2, etc if the case has multiple fields.

Unwrap union cases without fields

UnionUnwrapFieldlessTags represents union cases that don't have any fields as a simple string.

let options = 

JsonSerializer.Serialize(NoArgs, options)
// --> "NoArgs"

JsonSerializer.Serialize(WithOneArg 3.14, options)
// --> (same format as without UnwrapFiledlessTags)

JsonSerializer.Serialize(WithArgs (123, "Hello, world!"), options)
// --> (same format as without UnwrapFieldlessTags)

Unwrap option values

UnwrapOption is enabled by default. It causes the types 'T option and 'T voption (aka ValueOption) to be treated specially.

  • The value None or ValueNone is represented as null.
  • The value Some x or ValueSome x is represented the same as x, without wrapping it in the union representation for Some.

To represent None or ValueNone as the absence of a field instead, see Skippable option fields or the Skippable type.

Unwrap single-case unions

UnionUnwrapSingleCaseUnions is enabled by default. It causes unions that have a single case with a single field to be treated as simple "wrappers", and serialized as their single field's value.

let options = 

JsonSerializer.Serialize(NoArgs, options)
// --> (same format as without UnwrapSingleCaseUnions)

JsonSerializer.Serialize(WithOneArg 3.14, options)
// --> (same format as without UnwrapSingleCaseUnions)

JsonSerializer.Serialize(WithArgs (123, "Hello, world!"), options)
// --> (same format as without UnwrapSingleCaseUnions)

type UserId = UserId of string

JsonSerializer.Serialize(UserId "tarmil", options)
// --> "tarmil"

Unwrap single-field union cases

UnionUnwrapSingleFieldCases: if a union case has a single field, it is not wrapped in an array or object. The exact effect depends on the base format:

  • With UnionAdjacentTag:

    let options =
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(NoArgs, options)
    // --> (same format as without UnwrapSingleFieldCases)
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(WithOneArg 3.14, options)
    // --> {"Case":"WithOneArg","Fields":3.14}
    //                                   ^^^^
    //                        Instead of [3.14] or {"aFloat":3.14}
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(WithArgs (123, "Hello, world!"), options)
    // --> (same format as without UnwrapSingleCaseUnions)
  • With UnionExternalTag:

    let options =
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(NoArgs, options)
    // --> (same format as without UnwrapSingleFieldCases)
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(WithOneArg 3.14, options)
    // --> {"WithOneArg":3.14}
    //                   ^^^^
    //        Instead of [3.14] or {"aFloat":3.14}
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(WithArgs (123, "Hello, world!"), options)
    // --> (same format as without UnwrapSingleCaseUnions)
  • With UnionInternalTag: no effect.

  • With UnionUntagged: no effect.

Unwrap union cases with a record field

UnionUnwrapRecordCases implicitly sets NamedFields. If a union case has a single field which is a record, then this record's fields are used directly as the fields of the object representing the union. The exact effect depends on the base format:

type Coordinates = { lat: float; long: float }

type Location =
    | Address of address: string
    | ExactLocation of Coordinates
  • With UnionAdjacentTag:

    let options =
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(Address "5 Avenue Anatole France", options)
    // --> {"Case":"Address","Fields":{"address":"5 Avenue Anatole France"}}
    // (same as without UnwrapRecordCases)
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(ExactLocation { lat = 48.858; long = 2.295 }, options)
    // --> {"Case":"ExactLocation","Fields":{"lat":48.858,"long":2.295}}
    //                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    //                           Instead of {"Item":{"lat":48.858,"long":2.295}}
  • With UnionExternalTag:

    let options =
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(Address "5 Avenue Anatole France", options)
    // --> {"Address":{"address":"5 Avenue Anatole France"}}
    // (same as without UnwrapRecordCases)
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(ExactLocation { lat = 48.858; long = 2.295 }, options)
    // --> {"ExactLocation":{"lat":48.858,"long":2.295}}
    //                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    //           Instead of {"Item":{"lat":48.858,"long":2.295}}
  • With UnionInternalTag:

    let options =
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(Address "5 Avenue Anatole France", options)
    // --> {"Case":"Address","address":"5 Avenue Anatole France"}
    // (same as without UnwrapRecordCases)
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(ExactLocation { lat = 48.858; long = 2.295 }, options)
    // --> {"Case":"ExactLocation","lat":48.858,"long":2.295}
    //                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    //                  Instead of {"Item":{"lat":48.858,"long":2.295}}
  • With UnionUntagged:

    let options =
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(Address "5 Avenue Anatole France", options)
    // --> {"address":"5 Avenue Anatole France"}
    // (same as without UnwrapRecordCases)
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(ExactLocation { lat = 48.858; long = 2.295 }, options)
    // --> {"lat":48.858,"long":2.295}
    // Instead of {"Item":{"lat":48.858,"long":2.295}}

Infer union field names from their types

When using UnionNamedFields, if a field doesn't have a name specified in F# code, then a default name is assigned by the compiler: Item if the case has a single field, and Item1, Item2, etc if the case has multiple fields. Using UnionFieldNamesFromTypes, the unnamed field is serialized using its type name instead.

If there are several fields with the same type, a suffix 1, 2, etc is added.

let options =

type Pair = Pair of int * string

JsonSerializer.Serialize(Pair(123, "test"), options)
// --> {"Case":"Pair","Int32":123,"String":"test"}

Allowing unordered tag

UnionAllowUnorderedTag is enabled by default. It takes effect during deserialization in UnionAdjacentTag and UnionInternalTag modes:

  • When it is disabled, the name of the case must be the first field of the JSON object.
  • When it is enabled, the name of the case may come later in the object, at the cost of a slight performance penalty if it does.

For example, without UnionAllowUnorderedTag, the following will fail to parse:

let options =

JsonSerializer.Deserialize("""{"Fields":[3.14],"Case":"WithOneArg"}""", options)
// --> Error: Failed to find union case field for Example: expected Case

Whereas with UnionAllowUnorderedTag, it will succeed:

let options =

JsonSerializer.Deserialize("""{"Fields":[3.14],"Case":"WithOneArg"}""", options)
// --> WithOneArg 3.14

Union tag name

The option UnionTagName sets the name of the property that contains the union case. This affects the base encodings UnionAdjacentTag and UnionInternalTag with UnionNamedFields. The default value is "Case".

let options =

JsonSerializer.Serialize(WithArgs (123, "Hello, world!"), options)
// --> {"type":"WithArgs","Fields":[123,"Hello, world!"]}

Union fields name

The option UnionFieldsName sets the name of the property that contains the union fields. This affects the base encoding UnionAdjacentTag. The default value is "Fields".

let options =

JsonSerializer.Serialize(WithArgs (123, "Hello, world!"), options)
// --> {"Case":"WithArgs","value":[123,"Hello, world!"]}

Union tag naming policy

The option UnionTagNamingPolicy sets the naming policy for union case names. See the System.Text.Json documentation about naming policies.

let options =

JsonSerializer.Serialize(WithArgs(123, "Hello, world!"), options)
// --> {"Case":"withArgs","Fields":[123,"Hello, world!"]}

When using the attribute, this option has enum type JsonKnownNamingPolicy instead.

Union field naming policy

The option UnionFieldNamingPolicy sets the naming policy for union field names. See the System.Text.Json documentation about naming policies.

If this option is not set, JsonSerializerOptions.PropertyNamingPolicy is used as the naming policy for union fields.

let options =

type Person = Person of FirstName: string * LastName: string

JsonSerializer.Serialize(Person("John", "Doe"), options)
// --> {"Case":"Person","firstName":"John","lastName":"Doe"}

When using the attribute, this option has enum type JsonKnownNamingPolicy instead.

Union tag case-insensitive

The option UnionTagCaseInsensitive only affects deserialization. It makes the parsing of union case names case-insensitive.

let options =

JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Example>("""{"Case":"wIThArgS","Fields":[123,"Hello, world!"]}""", options)
// --> WithArgs (123, "Hello, world!")

Include record properties

By default, only record fields are serialized. When IncludeRecordProperties is set, record properties are serialized as well.

let options =

type Rectangle =
    { Width: float
      Height: float }

    member this.Area = this.Width * this.Height

JsonSerializer.Serialize({ Width = 4.; Height = 5. }, options)
// --> {"Width":4,"Height":5,"Area":20}

Deserialization is unaffected by IncludeRecordProperties.

To include a specific record property in serialization, rather than all of properties of all records, use JsonIncludeAttribute on this property.

let options =

type Rectangle =
    { Width: float
      Height: float }

    member this.Area = this.Width * this.Height

    member this.Perimeter = 2. * (this.Width + this.Height)

JsonSerializer.Serialize({ Width = 4.; Height = 5. }, options)
// --> {"Width":4,"Height":5,"Area":20}

Skippable option fields

The option SkippableOptionFields allows record and union fields of type option or voption to behave similarly to the type Skippable:

  • None / ValueNone is represented as a missing JSON field;
  • Some / ValueSome is represented as an actual JSON field.
let options =

type Range =
        min: int
        max: int option

let betweenOneAndTwo = { min = 1; max = Some 2 }
JsonSerializer.Serialize(betweenOneAndTwo, options)
// --> {"min":1,"max":2}

let fromThreeToInfinity = { min = 3; max = None }
JsonSerializer.Serialize(fromThreeToInfinity, options)
// --> {"min":3}

Allowing null fields

By default, FSharp.SystemTextJson throws an exception when the following conditions are met:

  • it is deserializing a record or a union;
  • a field's JSON value is null or the field is unspecified;
  • that field's type isn't an explicitly nullable F# type (like option, voption and Skippable).

With the option AllowNullFields, such a null field is also allowed if the field's type is a class.

type Point() =
    member val X = 0. with get, set
    member val Y = 0. with get, set

type Rectangle = { BottomLeft: Point; TopRight: Point }

let options =

// With allowNullFields = false: throws an exception
JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Rectangle>("""{"TopRight":{"X":1,"Y":2}}""", options)

// With allowNullFields = true: succeeds
JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Rectangle>("""{"TopRight":{"X":1,"Y":2}}""", options)
// --> { BottomLeft = null; TopRight = Point(X = 1., Y = 2.) }

Changing the supported types

Since the first release of FSharp.SystemTextJson, the base library System.Text.Json has added support for a number of F# types, including:

  • Records;
  • Lists;
  • Sets;
  • Maps. Only primitive keys are supported.
  • Options and value options. They are serialized as null for None/ValueNone, and the wrapped value directly for Some/ValueSome. This is the same as FSharp.SystemTextJson's default format, but unlike FSharp.SystemTextJson, it is not customizable.

FSharp.SystemTextJson still takes over the serialization of these types by befault; but the option Types: JsonFSharpTypes allows customizing which types should be serialized by FSharp.SystemTextJson, and which types should be left to System.Text.Json. It is an enum of flags:

  • Records: serialize and deserialize records, struct records and anonymous records.
  • Unions: serialize and deserialize discriminated unions and struct discriminated unions.
  • Tuples: serialize and deserialize tuples, including those with more than 7 items which are not considered a single tuple by System.Text.Json.
  • Lists: serialize and deserialize F# lists.
  • Sets: serialize and deserialize F# sets.
  • Maps: serialize and deserialize F# maps, including maps with complex key types, which are not supported by System.Text.Json.
  • Options: serialize and deserialize the F# option type.
  • ValueOptions: serialize and deserialize the F# voption type.

It also includes a few combined flags:

  • OptionalTypes: Options and ValueOptions.
  • Collections: lists, sets and maps.
  • Minimal: All types not already fully supported by System.Text.Json. As of FSharp.SystemTextJson on .NET 6, this includes unions, maps (for complex key types) and tuples (for tuples of more than 7 items).
  • All: this is the default, FSharp.SystemTextJson handles all the types it supports.
let options =
        .WithTypes(JsonFSharpTypes.Unions ||| JsonFSharpTypes.OptionalTypes)

type Point = { x: int; y: int }

JsonSerializer.Serialize({ x = 1; y = 2 }, options)
// The above serialization is handled by System.Text.Json's default handling of F# records,
// and not by FSharp.SystemTextJson.



The attribute JsonFSharpConverterAttribute on a type indicates that this type must be serialized using FSharp.SystemTextJson. See Using attributes for applying it, and How to apply options for specializing global options on a type using this attribute.


FSharp.SystemTextJson supports the standard JsonPropertyNameAttribute to define the name of a property in JSON.

type Example =
    { [<JsonPropertyName "thisIsX">] x: string
      y: string }

JsonSerializer.Serialize({ x = "Hello"; y = "world!" }, options)
// --> {"thisIsX":"Hello","y":"world!"}

However, it also includes its own attribute JsonNameAttribute which provides more functionality.

  • It can be used exactly like JsonPropertyNameAttribute:

    type Example =
        { [<JsonName "thisIsX">] x: string
          y: string }
    JsonSerializer.Serialize({ x = "Hello"; y = "world!" }, options)
    // --> {"thisIsX":"Hello","y":"world!"}
  • It can be used with multiple values. In this case, all the values are recognized as field names for deserialization. The first value is used for serialization.

    type Example =
        { [<JsonName("thisIsX", "reallyX")>] x: string
          y: string }
    JsonSerializer.Deserialize("""{"thisIsX":"Hello","y":"world!"}""", options)
    // --> { x = "Hello"; y = "world!" }
    JsonSerializer.Deserialize("""{"reallyX":"Hello","y":"world!"}""", options)
    // --> { x = "Hello"; y = "world!" }
    JsonSerializer.Serialize({ x = "Hello"; y = "world!" }, options)
    // --> {"thisIsX":"Hello","y":"world!"}
  • It can be used on a discriminated union case to determine the tag of this case. In this situation, the value can be a string, an integer or a boolean.

    type Example =
        | [<JsonName 1>] One of int
        | [<JsonName 2>] Two of string
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(Two "hello", options)
    // --> {"Case":2,"Fields":["hello"]}

    Combined with UnionInternalTag, this is a way to encode the common pattern in JSON where the value of one field determines what other fields are allowed:

    type MyResult<'t> =
        | [<JsonName false>] Error of message: string
        | [<JsonName true>] Ok of 't
    let options =
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(Ok {| x = 1; y = "hello" |}, options)
    // --> {"isSuccess":true,"x":1,"y":"hello"}
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(Error "Failed to retrieve x", options)
    // --> {"isSuccess":false,"message":"Failed to retrieve x"}
  • Using the Field property, it can be used to indicate the name(s) of a discriminated case field.

    type MyResult<'t> =
        | [<JsonName false>]
          [<JsonName("error", "errorMessage", Field = "message")]
          Error of message: string
        | [<JsonName true>] Ok of 't
    let options =
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(Error "Failed to retrieve x", options)
    // --> {"isSuccess":false,"error":"Failed to retrieve x"}