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Basic System Functionalities

shaysegal edited this page Mar 21, 2017 · 1 revision

2. Basic System Functionalities

In this page we will describe the functionalities that our system is going to include:


  1. Drivers may request for a parking spot in a specific parking area.
  2. Drivers may request for the closest parking spot according to their location. Both 1,2 also depend on the driver's sticker type and the time of the day.
  3. Drivers may communicate with other drivers. For example, sending a message to a user owning a car with specific license plate number about his lights being on.
  4. While navigating to a parking spot, the system may offer a better one (closer).
  5. Driver may also disable option described in 4
  6. The system notifies the drivers if there is a change in the parking arrangements or if their current parking is expired.

Technion Security Unit:

  1. The unit may update manually the classification to colors of a specific area of parking slots.
  2. The system usage of statistics- dynamically change of the parking slots type according to the amount of cars with specific sticker color, or according to times and yearly events and holidays.
  3. Update all users which their parking area is about to change while their sticker does not have a permission after the change.
  4. The unit will receive notification about updates, recommendations about parking usage. The unit can approve or reject the offer.