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How to install the app

shaysegal edited this page Jul 3, 2017 · 23 revisions

Installation instructions:

for Browser User:


  1. Git clone the project repository:

    git clone

  2. Go to SmartParking directory

  3. only Developers run "mvn install" to install the necessary packages to run the project

  4. Install Node.js (install version v6.11.10)

  5. open command prompt/git bash, go to project directory and then enter:

    sudo npm install -g cordova (for linux users) / npm install -g cordova (for windows users)

  6. to install Ionic, go to SmartParking/client and then simply run:

sudo npm install -g ionic@2.2.3 (for linux users) / npm install -g ionic@2.2.3 (for windows users)

  1. only Developers run this commend sudo npm install ionic-angular@latest --save (for linux users) / npm install ionic-angular@latest --save (for windows users)

  2. to install dependencies of the project, run in SmartParking/client: sudo npm install (for linux users) / npm install (for windows users)

  3. You're almost done! run in SmartParking/client/src:

echo "" > identity.js and then npm run idme

  1. Run the project: go to SmartParking/client and run ionic serve (if the browser doesn't start automatically, go to > http://localhost:8100/

for Android Users:

  1. Download the apk file from the main folder of our git repository: SmartParking.apk
  2. install the apk file on your android device.
  3. run

Disclaimer: on some MAC computers we tried to run our project, there was a problem with Ionic. our suggestion in this case is download XCode and then run the command xcode-select --install