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TelNowEdge/FreepbxBase bundle


  • 2018/05/23 <1.0>: Stable release
    • Container caching
    • Template caching
    • Form helper to append Destination block on form
    • Helper to send UserEvent
    • New Verb forn asterisk dialplan
  • 2017/11/28 <0.1>: First available working version


Dependencies requirements

Currently FreePBX® come with a symfony/property-access:3.4.19 on this version a major bug is known #29340. So, to install this module you must update your packages.

cd /var/www/admin/libraries/Composer
composer update

With composer require

cd /var/www/admin/libraries/Composer/composer.json
composer require telnowedge/freepbx-base

With git

git clone inside composer vendor dir

cd /var/www/admin/libraries/Composer/vendor/telnowedge/
git clone freepbx-base

Update composer autoload by adding on composer.json

"autoload": {
  "psr-4": {
  "TelNowEdge\\FreePBX\\Base\\": "vendor/telnowedge/freepbx-base"

And finally run

composer.phar dump-autoload

To known

  1. Cache system

All cached files was written on rootFreePBX/assets/cache/. Please take care with the rights.


This FreepbxBase bundle provide an easy way to write FreePBX® modules like an MVC project. He works alone without any modification of FreePBX® core files except composer.json.

FreepbxBase bundle use Symfony® components to improve security, accessibility and support.

It register its own namespace to give access on the different components through several helpers.

FreepbxBase bundle introduce in FreePBX® the Dependency Injection concept with the Symfony® component. This component is very useful to prevent any singleton and share easily your object through your own code.

FreepbxBase bundle provide too the Symfony® Form component to validate your form on the server side before to save it on your sql storage.

Before start using it, you need to understand namespace and the Symfony base development concepts.

Acme example module

Coding standard

To check the coding standard please include on your module GrumPHP.

  1. Require packages

        $ composer require --dev "phpro/grumphp" "nikic/php-parser" "friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer" "jakub-onderka/php-parallel-lint" "phpmd/phpmd" "phpspec/phpspec"
  2. Create config file for php-cs-fixer ./php_cs

        return PhpCsFixer\Config::create()
                '@Symfony' => true,
                '@Symfony:risky' => true,
                'array_syntax' => true,
                'combine_consecutive_unsets' => true,
                'no_useless_else' => true,
                'no_useless_return' => true,
                'ordered_class_elements' => true,
                'ordered_imports' => true,
                'php_unit_strict' => true,
                'strict_comparison' => true,
                'strict_param' => true,
  3. Create GrumPHP config file ./grumphp.yml

         git_dir: .
         bin_dir: ./vendor/bin
           jsonlint: ~
             config: "./.php_cs"
             allow_risky: true
             # rules:
             #   - "@@Symfony"
             #   - "@@Symfony:risky"
             #   - array_syntax
             #   - combine_consecutive_unsets
             #   - no_extra_consecutive_blank_lines
             #   - no_useless_else
             #   - no_useless_return
             #   - ordered_class_elements
             #   - ordered_imports
             #   - php_unit_strict
             #   - psr4
             #   - strict_comparison
             #   - strict_param
             using_cache: false
             config_contains_finder: false
           phplint: ~
             ruleset: ['unusedcode', 'codesize']
           phpparser: ~
           phpspec: ~
           shell: ~
           xmllint: ~
             parse_custom_tags: true
           xdebugparse: ~

Included components

  1. doctrine/annotations
  2. doctrine/cache
  3. guzzlehttp/guzzle
  4. monolog/monolog
  5. symfony/cache
  6. symfony/config
  7. symfony/dependency-injection
  8. symfony/event-dispatcher
  9. symfony/form
  10. symfony/http-foundation
  11. symfony/ldap
  12. symfony/property-access
  13. symfony/security-csrf
  14. symfony/serializer
  15. symfony/twig-bridge
  16. symfony/validator
  17. symfony/yaml

How to use

Start a new FreePBX® module

Start a new FreePBX® module like FreePBX® practices and change only the extends class to TelNowEdge\FreePBX\Base\Module\Module.


namespace FreePBX\modules;

use TelNowEdge\FreePBX\Base\Module\Module;

class Foo extends Module implements \BMO


This extends start and bridge all Symfony® components and register a new namespace. Now you can use a PSR4 namespace inside your module.

The new register namespace is \TelNowEdge\Module. He is registered with ./modules base directory. So now you can use \TelNowEdge\Module\foo namespace.


Take care with the case of your module name. Your class can be Foo.class.php but the folder is ./modules/foo. So the namespace is \TelNowEdge\Module\foo.

Use FreePBX® class like an entry point

Your Foo.class.php is the first file for FreePBX®. Now use it to call your logic Controller.


namespace FreePBX\modules;

use TelNowEdge\FreePBX\Base\Module\Module;
use TelNowEdge\Module\foo\Controller\FooBarController;

class Foo extends Module implements \BMO
    public function install()

    public static function myGuiHooks()
        return array('core');

    public function doGuiHook(&$cc)

    private function processDeviceGui(&$cc)
        $request = $this->get('request');

        if ('devices' === $request->query->get('display')) {
            if (true === $request->isMethod('POST')) {
                if ('edit' === $request->request->get('action')) {
                         ->updateAction($request, $cc)

                if ('add' === $request->request->get('action')) {
                         ->createAction($request, $cc)
            } else {
                     ->showAction($request, $cc)

Your controller ./modules/foo/Controller/FooBarController.php


namespace TelNowEdge\Module\foo\Controller;

use TelNowEdge\FreePBX\Base\Controller\AbstractController;

class FooBarController extends AbstractController


Entry point to start FreepbxBase bundle.

FreePBX® module must extends TelNowEdge\FreePBX\Base\Module\Module

Your Controller must extends TelNowEdge\FreePBX\Base\Controller\AbstractController

protected $container;

FormFactory function createForm(FormInterface $type, $data = null, array $options = array());

string function render(string $templatePath, array $data = array());

mixed function get(string $service);
  1. createForm()

  2. render()

    Render return the compile html from the template. Append on FreePBX® with the FreePBX® practices.

    $html = $this->render('foo.html.twig', array(
        'form' => $form->createView(),
    $cc->addguielem(_('Foo'), new \gui_html('Foo', $html), 1, null, _('TelNowEdge'));
  3. get()


This bundle don't use Doctrine ORM. But the way is the same.

Model is the Database representation. This class must not extends anything.

On each properties, you can add a validator.


namespace TelNowEdge\Module\foo\Model;

use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;

class Foo
    protected $id;

     * @Assert\NotBlank()
    protected $name;

    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

    public function setId($id)
        $this->id = $id;

        return $this;

    public function getName()
        return $this->name;

    public function setName($name)
        $this->name = $name;

        return $this;

Repository get informations from sql storage and map with Model. ORM like very lite.

Your Repository must extends TelNowEdge\FreePBX\Base\Repository\AbtractRepository

array sqlToArray(array $sqlRes);

\Doctrine\DBAL\Statement fetch(\Doctrine\DBAL\Statement $stmt);

\Doctrine\DBAL\Statement fetchAll(\Doctrine\DBAL\Statement $stmt);

Model objectFromArray(string $modelClass, array $sqlToArrayRes);
  1. sqlToArray() Transform sql results set to an array for objectFromArray()

    sqlToArray() need a formatted input.

    SELECT t__id, t__name, t.long_name t__long_name, t2__id
    FROM table t INNER JOIN table2 t2 ON ( =

    sqlToArray() return an associative array like:

        't' => array('id' => '1', 'name' => 'foo', 'longName' => 'foobar'),
        't2' => array('id' => 1)


    The __ was remove to create table key and _ was camel case.

  2. objectFromArray() Map the sqlToArray() to the model. On each properties, he try to call the setter.

    private function mapModel(array $res)
        $foo = $this->objectFromArray(Foo::class, $res['t']);
        $fooBar = $this->objectFromArray(FooBar::class, $res['t2']);
        return $foo->setFooBar($fooBar);

DbHandler save data from the Model to the sql.

Your Repository must extends TelNowEdge\FreePBX\Base\Handler\AbtractDbHandler


namespace TelNowEdge\Module\foo\Handler\DbHandler;

use TelNowEdge\FreePBX\Base\Handler\AbstractDbHandler;
use TelNowEdge\Module\foo\Model\Foo;

class PhoneProvisionDbHandler extends AbstractDbHandler
    public function create(Foo $foo)
        $sql = "INSERT INTO Foo (`id`, `name`, `value`) VALUES (:id, :name, :value)";
        $stmt = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
        $stmt->bindParam('id', $foo->getId());
        $stmt->bindParam('name', $foo->getName());
        $stmt->bindParam('value', $foo->getValue());


Form provide an easy way to build and validate your form.

This component is used exactly like Symfony does.

Validator works with Form to validate it on server side.

This component is used exactly like Symfony does.

Dependency Injection create a container of services to deal with on your code.

This component is used exactly like Symfony does.

Twig is a templating component. Cery useful to render the Symfony® forms

This component is used exactly like Symfony does.


  1. Increase security in service.yml with public / private service