This is a web-app that looks at a given public anime list and calculates/displays several interesting statistics and displays them in a data visualization.
- have node.js installed
- clone repo
- install dependencies (additional ones listed below)
- for server
npm install
,npm audit fix
- for client
cd client
,npm install
,npm audit fix
- for server
- create .env file containing an
variable containing your MAL API access token. To generate one, follow the instructions here: npm run dev
- Common Studios
- From a given MAL user's animelist, get the names of the studios responsible for at least X # of anime within a given score range of the animelist
'Trash Taste' Factor
- Looks at the completed anime of a given list and uses euclidean distance to determine how 'close' a user's anime scores are to the average found on MAL
User Similarity
- Similarly to the trash taste factor, scores between sets of anime are compared but instead of comparing a user to the average, a user is compared to another user.
Common Employees
- Similarly to common studios, this shows the employees and their respective roles behind the anime enjoyed by the user.
Note: All code instructions are assumed to be ran from root of repo
- provides lots of handy methods for creating a web service
npm install express
- a wrapper for npm's validate.js that allows for custom validators and better-organized error handling
npm install --save express-validator
- helps load environment variables into the service
- used for some MAL API secrets
npm install dotenv
- a web client
- to be used by react front-end to make requests to back end
- to be used by express back-end to make requests to MAL API
npm install axios
cd client
npm install axios
- allows for the front-end client to update when changes are saved. this means that you don't need to manually restart and wait between changes
npm install nodemon --save-dev
- allows for running commands simultaneously from one terminal
npm install concurrently --save
- helps for building single-page applications
cd client
npm i react-router-dom --save
- react library used for graphical data representation
- lots of neat examples on the website
yarn add @nivo/core @nivo/bar
Note: Diagrams made with
graph TD;
B--Sends Request-->C
C--Sends Parameters-->D
F--Sends Output-->G
G--Send Response-->H
subgraph View[View - React & Material UI]
AA[Select Feature]-->A[Input Parameters]-->B[Press Start]
H[See Output]
subgraph Controller[Controller - ExpressJs]
C[Receives Request]
G[Generate Response]
subgraph Model[Model - NodeJs]
D[Receive Parameters]-->E[Scrape Employee Lists]
E-->F[Generate List Intersection]
I[Refresh MAL API Access Token]--Wait Approx. 1h--> I
- proxy field in the package.json within client folder to be changed in the future