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🧕 Nesma Mohamed Hesham Portfolio

Backend PHP, Codeigniter, and Laravel Software Developer

Table of Contents

  1. Preview
  2. Changelog




01 January 2021

  1. Added npm-shrinkwrap.json.
  2. Added Favicon.
  3. Added .browserslistrc.
  4. Updated npm packages.
  5. Updated CSS styles.
  6. Updated Gulp tasks.
  7. Updated meta tags.

04 January 2021

  1. Updated Media Queries.
  2. Added gulp-htmlmin to minify html file.
  3. Added to be the src file, and index.html to be the minified version.
  4. Added a Preview.

05 January 2021

  1. Added gulp-concat-css.
  2. Updated Gulp tasks.
  3. Added more meta tags.