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Welcome to cusmo ! The simplest metrics gathering web platform :D

Endpoints :

  • /hit/<endpoint>?custom_param1=...&custom_param2=... The url you want to hit to store the request. The all additional parameters will be stored in database as dictionnary and available in json stats in 'custom_data':{} key of each request.
  • /endpoint_stats/<endpoint>?api_key=... The url to retirieve metrics a full database of requests on the endpoint in json format

Exemple of use :
If you want to know how much people are using your program, you just need to generate an endpoint, and make a get request to it at startup. Same if you want to know how much people are using a specific feature, you just make a request to a generated endpoint each time someone is using it.

Javascript exemple:

function store_visit(){
    var x = new XMLHttpRequest();
    x.onload = function() {
        var resp = JSON.parse(x.responseText);
        // if everything is okay, server response is {"OK":"Visit stored."}

    x.setRequestHeader('X-Referer', window.location.href);