CSVis is a play on words for Comma Separated Values Visualisation. A Unity based CSV data visualizer application for creating and viewing data plots in mixed reality through the Microsoft HoloLens.
The application uses the open source Data Visualization Toolkit and the MixedRealityToolkit-Unity by Microsoft to plot 3D data in Mixed Reality space to offer a different perspective in viewing 3D data.
- Load premade example plots using the DVT porject and shocase it's useage through the HoloLnes
- CSVis can also plot static 2D / 3D data plots from predefined examples
- Plots created can also be manipulated with hand gestures for placement of the plots in your surroundings
The types of plots that are supported by the DVT are:
For more resoures about the porject visit this Google Drive link. There are some more photos of the proejct in use as well as an audio presentation walikng through DVT and CSVis.