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Unlocked edited this page Dec 14, 2018 · 1 revision

.NET Core Implementation

Without building it yourself

Without .NET Core 2

Go to the releases page and download the version for your appropriate operating system. Then unzip the folder, find the executable (win: FAILang.exe, osx/linux: FAILang), and run it either by double-clicking it in your explorer or through the command line/terminal. This will open a REPL environment that you can write code in.

With .NET Core 2

Go to the releases page and download Unzip the folder. Then call dotnet /path/to/portable/FAILang.dll, and a FAI REPL environment will open in the window.

Building from source

This section has not yet been written yet, but feel free to check out the dotnet publish documentation if you want to build the FAI REPL yourself, or dotnet run if you just want to run the REPL from source.

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