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Release preparation Step By Step

Vitaly Novichkov edited this page Apr 23, 2024 · 9 revisions

This is a small step-by-step note to remind you on how to proceed with the stable release of a new version of TheXTech

Before start

1. Fix known bugs if possible

Ensure all native bugs (not counting vanilla) were fixed and related issues were closed

2. Keep mainstream assets packs up to date

Make sure all important resources were provided to mainstream assets packages and into the TheXTech conversion kit for packet cames.

3. Actualize translations

Remind all translators to actualize their translations as fast as they can.

4. Ensure all CI builds are valid and work

Make sure that automated builders do not fail and they can produce valid assemblies for the rest of the supported platforms and they work.


Synchronise documentations

  • Ensure command-line arguments were all documented
  • Ensure new options for compat.ini and gameinfo.ini are documented
  • Ensure CMake options are all documented
  • Ensure "how to make episodes" and "converting packed games" manuals are up to date
  • Ensure is up to date

Change version number at "version.cmake"

Get rid of the "-dev" suffix and set the proper version number of the release and wait until CI builds every package.

Ensure the content of "changelog.txt" is valid

Verify that "changelog.txt" contains valid version number in the list, and fix if needed.

Run the script to download all CI-built packages

Use the special script to download all packages required to make a release. Before, modify the script and set the version number equal to the destination release number.

Upload packages

Upload these packages to the WohlSoft server and the GitHub release draft. Remove old versions from WohlSoft (move them into

Update forum posts to point to new versions and changelog

Update all links at the forum to make sure they are linked to the latest release. Include an updated changelog.

Write a brief description for the new version and post it

Take a break

The release has been created, so, it's time to take a break with a cup of tea.

Clone this wiki locally