Fdf (wireframe model) is a 42 project which is about representing a landscape as a 3D object in which all surfaces are outlined in lines.
Copy the command line and execute it in your consol.
git clone git@github.com:Thib1708/fdf.git
Use the "make" command to compile the project then execute the new file created called "fdf" with a map.
make; ./fdf test_map/42.fdf
Fdf work with an map given as argument such as : map
First, we need to pars this file in a 2D array, then transform a point a(x,y,z) in 3D space to a point b(x,y) in 2D space and finaly draw line between those points.
I parsed the file a first time to get the leght and the heigh of the map and check if the are only integer and all the lie have the same leght. I parsed the file a second time to saved each line one by one in the 2D array allocated to the right size.
I've decided to draw line one by one from the current point to the closer one below and the one on the rigth. I transform the two point in isometric save the new value in a struct and then draw the line.