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Push_swap is a 42 project whose ask you to sort a stack flowing some rules :

  • You had to use 2 stack :
    • a : the stack which contain the integer to sort.
    • b : an empty stack.
  • You can only use the instructions bellow :
    • sa (swap a): Swap the first 2 elements at the top of stack a. Do nothing if there is only one or no elements.
    • sb (swap b): Swap the first 2 elements at the top of stack b. Do nothing if there is only one or no elements.
    • ss : sa and sb at the same time.
    • pa (push a): Take the first element at the top of b and put it at the top of a. Do nothing if b is empty.
    • pa (push a): Take the first element at the top of b and put it at the top of a. Do nothing if b is empty. ra (rotate a): Shift up all elements of stack a by 1. The first element becomes the last one.
    • rb (rotate b): Shift up all elements of stack b by 1. The first element becomes the last one.
    • rr : ra and rb at the same time.
    • rra (reverse rotate a): Shift down all elements of stack a by 1. The last element becomes the first one.
    • rrb (reverse rotate b): Shift down all elements of stack b by 1. The last element becomes the first one.
    • rrr : rra and rrb at the same time.


Copy the command line and execute it in your consol.

git clone


Use the "make" command to compile the project then execute the new file created called "push_swap" with a list of integer.

make; ./push_swap 20 8 2 15 -42

How does it work

Fill stacks

The program takes as argument several non-duplicate integer either as one argument or each integer as an argument:

./push_swap 20 8 2 15 -42

./push_swap "20 8 2 15 -42

Using split and atoi I fill an first array of integer.

To sort the stack I use an algorithm that doesn't works whith negative integer so I had to replace each integer by an index depending on the value of the integer.

Sort the stack

To sort the stack I use the radix algorithm here is an article about it : radix sort

To sort small stack I use an other methode : -I first created a function to sort 3 integer. -To sort a 5 integer's stack I split it in half on the "a" stack I let the 3 biggest integer and on the "b" stack the smallest ones. I then sort "a" with the previous function and on the "b" stack I put the smallest number on the botom and the put back the numbers on top of "a".

This methode make you pass the project without the full score.


I invite you not to clone my project but to try doing it by your self using the explanation I give to you. My project is not the best a all their are plenty of better project but I think that mine is pretty simple to understand.


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