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A quick look at krustlet

This repo contains fundamental WebAssembly (Wasm) workloads that could be executed on krustlet.


  • obviously, you must have a krustlet running. You can add krustlet to different Kubernetes distributions and managed Kubernetes services.
  • an OCI distribution spec compliant Container Registry (e.g. Azure Container Registry) is required. We will use it as distribution channel for our Wasm workloads
  • wasm32-wasi must be installed as target (rustup target add wasm32-wasi)
  • Workloads must be compiled against the wasm32-wasi using cargo build --release --target wasm32-wasi

Azure Container Registry Authentication

Ensure your instance of ACR allows anonymous image pulling (required if you want to run the WAGI workload on AKS)


az acr update -n $acrName -g $rgName --anonymous-pull-enabled

Verify krustlet taints

Depending on your environment you may find different taints being assigned to the krustlet nodes. Verify if your taints are wasm32-wasi or wasm32-wagi:

# get all nodes in your cluster

kubectl get nodes

NAME                 STATUS     ROLES                  AGE    VERSION
kind-control-plane   Ready      control-plane,master   103m   v1.21.1
foobar               Ready      <none>                 39m    1.0.0-alpha.1

# get node taints
kubectl describe node foobar

# omitted
# omitted

Note down the arch, you must specify it as part of the Pods tolerations (see pod.yml in both samples -> podSpec.tolerations)

Publishing Wasm modules to Azure Container Registry (ACR)

Assuming having access to an ACR instance called foobar, we must push both Wasm modules (hello-krustlet and hello-wasi) to the ACR instance. To do so, we use wasm-to-oci

# authenticate against ACR (either use Azure CLI or use Docker CLI)
az acr login -n foobar

cd 001-wasm
cargo build --release --target wasm32-wasi

wasm-to-oci ./target/wasm32-wasi/release/hello-wasm.wasm
cd ..

cd 002-wasi
cargo build --release --target wasm32-wasi

wasm-to-oci ./target/wasm32-wasi/release/hello-wasi.wasm

cd ..

cd 003-wagi
cargo build --release --target wasm32-wasi

wasm-to-oci ./target/wasm32-wasi/release/hello-wasi.wasm

Running hello-wasm in KIND

  1. Ensure your kubectl context points to your KIND cluster
  2. Ensure you've attached krustlet to your KIND cluster (see scripts folder)

You can run hello-wasm by applying the Kubernetes manifest located in the kubernetes subfolder:

kubectl apply -f ./001-wasm/kubernetes/pod.yml

Running hello-wasm locally

You can run hello-wasm locally using any (non-browser) WASM runtime. The following sample uses wasmtime:

cd 001-wasm
cargo build --release --target wasm32-wasi
wasmtime run ./target/wasm32-wasi/release/hello-wasm.wasm

Running hello-wasi in KIND

  1. Ensure your kubectl context points to your KIND cluster
  2. Ensure you've attached krustlet to your KIND cluster (see scripts folder)
  3. Update the volume in pod.yml and provide a valid folder on your system

You can run hello-wasi by applying the Kubernetes manifest located in the kubernetes subfolder:

kubectl apply -f ./002-wasi/kubernetes/pod.yml

Running hello-wasi locally

You can run hello-wasi locally using any (non-browser) WASM runtime. The following sample uses wasmtime:

cd 002-wasi
cargo build --release --target wasm32-wasi
wasmtime run --dir /some/dir --env TARGET=/same/dir ./target/wasm32-wasi/release/hello-wasi.wasm

Running 003-wagi in AKS

  1. Ensure your kubectl context points to AKS
  2. Ensure WASM Node Pool is provisioned (see scripts folder)
  3. Install NGINX ingress which points to WasmWasi Node Ip (see scripts folder)
kubectl apply -f ./003-wagi/kubernetes/pod.yml


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