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Assigning Powers to Items

Lucas Bandermann edited this page Apr 6, 2023 · 1 revision


In the previous pages you were explained how to create custom items and powers. However, you might want to have powers bound to items. This page will explain how.


To get started, you need to create a json file in the following folder. The name can be whatever you want, you might want to give it a proper/self-explaining name though: data/<namespace>/palladium/item_powers/<file name>.json.
The inside should look something like this:

  "slot": "chest",
  "item": "minecraft:iron_chestplate",
  "power": "test:test_power"

This example would bind the test:test_power to Minecraft's iron chestplate, if it is placed inside your chestplate-slot. The available slots are "mainhand", "offhand", "feet", "legs, "chest" & "head". If you have Curios or Trinkets installed, you can also use their slots like this: "curios:head", "trinkets:head/hat".

You can also use one file to bind multiple powers to an item, like this:

  "slot": "chest",
  "item": "minecraft:iron_chestplate",
  "power": [

Additionally, you can also add power(s) to multiple items in the same way:

  "slot": "chest",
  "item": [
  "power": "test:test_power"

Obviously, both those things can be combined.