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4. Sign System

TimoCrafter edited this page Feb 24, 2018 · 3 revisions

In TimoCloudBukkit, there is a sign system included. Signs belong to a specific server group and display free servers. A server is called „free“ when its state is not on its group‘s SortOut-List.

Creating a sign

To create a sign, place a sign ingame with the following lines:

  1. The first line indicates you want to create a sign.
  2. The second line specifies the target. This can either be a group or a server name. If you specify a group's name, a dynamic sign will be created - that means TimoCloud will automatically choose a free server (whose state is not on the SortOut-List) to display.
  3. The third line specifies the template. A sign template tells TimoCloud how a sign should look like. You can create templates in 'SERVERDIRECTORY/plugins/TimoCloud/signs/signTemplates.yml'. There is a template called Default. If you want to use the Default template, you can leave this line blank.
  4. Priority: All dynamic signs with the same priority will display the same server. You can use priorities if you want to order the signs customly. (E.g. BedWars-3, BedWars-2, BedWars-1 instead of BedWars-1, BedWars-2, BedWars-3). Signs with lower priorities will display servers with lower trailing number. Priorities are only for advanced use, you can leave the line blank to set priority to 0. All signs with priority 0 will be ordered with some magic by TimoCloud - depending on their coordinates.

Because you only have to specify line 1 and 2, you can create a sign with only these two properties:


If everything is configured correctly, the sign should instantly be designed, as configured in your signTemplates.yml. If not, check your sign configs and reload with /signs reload.


You can use various placeholders in your sign templates:

  • %name
  • %current_players%
  • %max_players%
  • %state%
  • %extra%
  • %motd%
  • %map%

Animated signs

To animate a sign, just specify several versions of a line separated by semicolons (;). They will change every X server ticks, while X = the updateInterval you specify. (20 ticks = one second, 1 tick = 0.05 seconds) Example:

        '1': '[&3%name%&0]'
        '2': '&eServer is'
        '3': '&estarting...'
        '4': '&2▲▲▲;&2▶▲▲;&2▶▶▲;&2▶▶▶;&2▲▶▶;&2▲▲▶;&2▲▲▲;&2▲▲◀;&2▲◀◀;&2◀◀◀;&2◀◀▲;&2◀▲▲' # This will be animated
      updateSpeed: 5

Changing the blocks behind signs

To automatically change the block behind a sign, just specify the material and the data ID (e.g. color) for every state. You can find a list of materials here and a list of data/type IDs of every block on the English MinecraftWiki page. Example:

        '1': '[&3%name%&0]'
        '2': '&eServer is'
        '3': '&estarting...'
        '4': '&2▲▲▲;&2▶▲▲;&2▶▶▲;&2▶▶▶;&2▲▶▶;&2▲▲▶;&2▲▲▲;&2▲▲◀;&2▲◀◀;&2◀◀◀;&2◀◀▲;&2◀▲▲'
      updateSpeed: 5
      signBlockMaterial: STAINED_CLAY # Material
      signBlockData: 4 # Data ID
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