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Basic Header Authentication

License: MIT nuget

This package is designed to provide basic header authentication to .NET core 2.x / 3x. This is intended for usage with API's where a single header can be used as a "key" that has been provided to a consumer.

Warning: This header is transmitted in plain-text. This means it's subject to man in the middle attacks. If you are securing important information such as medical data, credit cards, or personal information. You should consider a more secure method for authentication. If you can't. Please look into adding a method of forward secrecy to your authenticator code in your application.


It's your applications responsibility to check if a value supplied in the authentication header is valid. This is done by creating a class that inherits IBasicHeaderAuthenticator and registering it at startup as shown below. You return null if validation fails which will terminate the request as Unauthorized. You return a ClaimsPrincipal class if validation passes. If you return an empty ClaimsPrincipal as shown below. It will be auto populated with a Name claim containing the header value as User.Identity.Name.

Note: This example only checks if a value supplied in the request exists, and is not null, or empty. You should use this method to check if the value exists in a database, or dictionary / list etc..

public class BasicHeaderAuthenticator : IBasicHeaderAuthenticator
    public async Task<ClaimsPrincipal> SignIn(string value)
        return string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? null : new ClaimsPrincipal();

Note: Make sure this line is before AddAuthentication, and AddBasicHeaderAuthentication

services.AddTransient<IBasicHeaderAuthenticator, BasicHeaderAuthenticator>();


services.AddAuthentication(options =>
    options.DefaultAuthenticateScheme = BasicHeaderAuthenticationOptions.DefaultScheme;
    options.DefaultChallengeScheme = BasicHeaderAuthenticationOptions.DefaultScheme;
}).AddBasicHeaderAuthentication(options =>
    options.HeaderKey = "X-AuthKey"; // You can use any header key you wish.


You can use the [Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = BasicHeaderAuthenticationOptions.DefaultScheme)] attribute out of the box. However, If you wish to use the [Authorize] attribute without having to supply an authenticator scheme each time. You can add the following code after AddBasicHeaderAuthentication.

services.AddAuthorization(options =>
    options.DefaultPolicy = new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder(BasicHeaderAuthenticationOptions.DefaultScheme)