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David G. Durand edited this page Sep 12, 2014 · 5 revisions

API methods Using the GET method

All administrative GET requests support the following query parameter, to select an appropriate publication context for a request:

  • pub-type indicates which state of a publication object should be accessed. The values cms, staging, and live are used to identify the different publication states on the server: the one currently stored in the admin editing tools, the version published to the staging (preview) site, and the version published to the live site.

Administrative variant of the site Query API

The admin-query-api allows use of the normal Tizra query formats, but returns additional administrative information that is restricted from the regular site authoring query api.

(Server): Access to Information for a Tizra object (via GET)

Tizra objects that may be accessed by management URLs include user accounts as well as publications.

(Server): Redemption Codes


(Server): Tizra Objects


(Server): Tizra Document Sources and attachments


(Server) User accounts


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