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Aron Griffis edited this page Aug 27, 2018 · 13 revisions

POST operations

(Server) Creating, updating or publishing a document

Described in POST-metaobject-api.

(Server) Updating Source information for a document

Decribed in POST-source-api.

(Server) Updating Source File information for a document

Decribed in POST-source-file-api.

(Server) Simple Tizra Authentication for an external site

Decribed in POST-authentication-api.

(Server) Allocating and using Redemption Codes

Described in POST-redemption-api


POST (Client): status tracking

Tizra software acts as a client to POST messages to external servers on the occurrence of significant events. One example is the Tizra account status update interface, by means of which Tizra submits JSON status updates to a remote server when user accounts are updated (administratively or by the user).

Tizra will POST selected resource status updates (such as the completion of publication), to a remote server (often as requested in a prior interaction).

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