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adane edited this page Aug 1, 2012 · 3 revisions

This feature consists of a special viewing mode designed to create sampling widgets

A sampling widget is really just an iFrame that includes a reference to Tizra content. Typically the sample content is an excerpt, but it can be a whole publication as well. Access to the sampled content is controlled by the same Tizra licensing mechanisms as any other accesses.

A sampling URL looks just like the ones that the system provides for testing. So if your testing URL is

Then your sampling access to an excerpt with a URL /Sample1 would look like this:

This will display using the simple zoom-mode browser, in image mode. If the user runs off the end of the excerpt, the "contactUs" page will be used instead of the traditional Tizra access denied page, with all of its offers, etc.

The contactUs page can now have "properties" -- additional questions a user is asked on the form. They are managed on the Settings page under Contact and Email Information Page tab. Each property has a "name" and a "display name". You can't currently delete a property, but that will change soon. the name of the property should be a single word as it's used in the HTML. Properties are sorted in order by their names. The other value associated with a property is the Display Name which is what the customer will see. You change the display name at any time.

The size of the graphic used in the embeddable browser depends on the size of the PDF (at 72 pixels per original document inch). You can ask that the image be scaled however by modifying the URL.

For example to get a half-sized page, you could use an URL like this


markup for the simplest widget might look like this:

<iframe src=""></iframe>

if you wanted to start at another page, you could do something like this:

<iframe src=""></iframe>

If you give the URL of an excerpt or a document and don't specify a page, and tables of contents are enabled, then the user will see a table of contents page. This may be confusing if the page encourages a lot of clicking within the frame.