This repository conatins API for hotel management.
This project is a .NET 5 implemented Web API for managing hotel rooms, clients and bookings.
HotelManagement - API enables communication with the SQL database consisting of sending and receiving data regarding bookings, rooms and clients. Hotel can be managed by administrators who may make bookings for clients. Each administrator has unique email and password that have to be used to login to the system.
(Default login data: email: admin@admin, password: admin)
It uses Entity Framework Core to communicate with a database, which contains required data tables like:
- Clients - where informations about clients are stored
- Rooms - where informations about rooms are stored
- Bookings- where informations about bookings made by clients are stored.
- Administrators- where informations about administrators of hotel and theirs login data are stored
Other tools used in project:
- JwtBearer - for authentication
- Open API - for documentation
- AutoMapper - for mapping DTO-s and EntityModels data
- FluentValidation - for data validation
Click to expand!
- POST a new client
- GET a single client
- GET all clients
- DELETE a client
- PUT (full patch) a client
- PATCH (partial patch) a client
Click to expand!
- POST a new room
- GET a single room
- GET all rooms
- DELETE a room
- PUT (full patch) a room
- PATCH (partial patch) a room
Click to expand!
- POST a new booking
- GET a single booking
- GET all bookings
- DELETE a booking
- PUT (full patch) a booking
Click to expand!
- POST the new administrator
- GET a single administrator
- GET all administrators
- DELETE the administrator
- PUT (full patch) the administrator
Click to expand!
- GET the most popular rooms
- GET the clients with the most bookings
- GET the total earned money from bookings from defined peroid of time
Click to expand!
- POST authenticate
For more documentation data, visit
(or /index.html
for documentation UI)
Make sure you have the .NET 5.0 SDK installed on your machine. Then do:
git clone
cd HotelManagement---ASP.NET-CORE\HotelManagement\
dotnet run
This will need to be perfored before running the application for the first time
- You have to change ConnectionString in appsettings.json for ConnectionString that allow you to connect with database in your computer.
- Issue the Entity Framework command to update the database
dotnet ef database update