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Tomshi edited this page Aug 27, 2023 · 6 revisions

This script contains a class called Discord and encompasses all functions I use to manpulate discord.

All functions within this classed are called like: discord.func()


This function uses an imagesearch to look for buttons within the right click context menu as defined in the screenshots in ..\Support Files\ImageSearch\disc[button].png and automatically clicks the one you're after, allowing the user to more quickly navigate the UI.

This function is constantly being broken as discord updates their logo/the text for words. When this happens you can try taking new screenshots to see if that fixes the issue.

This function may encounter different behaviours depending on the orientation of the monitor that it's on/the resolution. It hasn't been tested on anything higher than a 1440p monitor.

This function automatically disables the @ON ping when replying to someone. This can be disabled by setting the class variable disableAutoReplyPing to false.

This function includes specific code for the reply button and requires the passed parameter to be DiscReply.png
This function includes specific code for the delete button and requires the passed parameter to be DiscDelete.png. It will delete the message without the usual prompt while Shift is held
discord.button( [button] )


Type: String - Filename

This parameter is the full filename of the button of choice. ie. DiscEdit.png or DiscReply.png. Will require screenshots of said property in the appropriate ImageSearch folder.


This function will search for and automatically click on either unread servers or unread channels depending on which image you feed into the function.

discord.Unread( [which] )


Type: Integer

If you feed in nothing it will search for the first unread server and click it. If you feed in 2 it will search for the first unread channel and click on it. Will require screenshots of said property in the appropriate ImageSearch folder.


This function allows the user to wrap the highlighted text with whatever characters they want.

discord.surround( [char {, onFailSend := A_ThisHotkey}] )


Type: String

This parameter is the desired character(s) to wrap the text with.

This parameter can be no more than 2 characters long.

If the passed char variable is 2 characters long, the first character will be appended at the beginning of the highlighted text & the second character will be appended to the end of the highlighted text.

If the passed char variable is 2 characters long & you aren't highlighting anything OR it fails to wait for data, this function will attempt to highlight the chat window and send the hotkey that activated the function (by default).


Type: String

This parameter is the desired character you wish to be sent when char is 2 characters long and you aren't highlighting any text.

Example #1

text := "This text is highlighted"
; ` is an escape character in ahk and needs to be put twice to pass it as a variable
`::discord.surround("``") ;becomes "`This text is highlighted`"

Example #2

text := "This text is highlighted"
)::discord.surround("()") ;becomes "(This text is highlighted)"


This function clicks the logo button in discord to access your friends/messages.

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