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Streamdeck AHK

Tomshi edited this page Jun 27, 2024 · 25 revisions

Not every macro benefits from being linked to a button on a keyboard, whether it be because of the frequency at which you need said macro not being very high, or if you don't need to see Key Events. A streamdeck is a tool often used by streamers or just anyone looking to optimise whatever workflow they're in and can be quite a useful tool to run Autohotkey scripts.

In the case of video editing it allows us to have some useful scripts that only pop up every once in a while, still within arms reach.

For me personally, I put less frequently used macros here because I use a secondary keyboard with QMK.ahk. If you don't have a secondary keyboard, a streamdeck is a good alternative to put any scripts that don't require seeing either; Key {Up/Down} events, or the activation key being held.


All scripts show their dependencies at the top of the script, all of which can be found in the ..\lib\ folder.

Support Files

Within ..\Support Files\Streamdeck Files\ you will find a options.ini file where you can set a few directory locations used throughout some streamdeck scripts. This file is placed in this directory to allow the user to more easily replace the entire Streamdeck AHK folder without worrying about custom directories being wiped.

Timeline Coords

Some scripts require the coordinates of the Premiere Pro timeline. These coordinates are usually stored within the Prem { class, but these streamdeck scripts are generally designed to run once and then terminate - that means each new instance of the script will have to relocate those coordinates. Because of this, some of these streamdeck scripts will instead attempt to ask My Scripts.ahk if it has those coordinates already which can result in recieving them much faster (if the Prem { class within My Scripts.ahk has already retrieved them) than needing to manually retrieve them each time.

convert scripts

These scripts take advantage of ffmpeg to quickly convert files from one file format to another.


If you do not have ffmpeg installed to the system path, these scripts will not work.

Go to any folder that contains the files you wish to convert, then simply run the desired script. It will automatically grab the path of the current explorer window then send the desired command to cmd. It will then send an ffmpeg command to convert all files of the desired file format to the requested file format.

This function may recurse further into folders searching for files to convert.

  • convert mkv2mp3.ahk => converts all .mkv files to .mp3
  • convert mkv2mp4.ahk => converts all .mkv files to .mp4
  • convert mov2mp4.ahk => converts all .mov files to .mp4
  • convert mp42mp3.ahk => converts all .mp4 files to .mp3
  • convert webm2mp3.ahk => converts all .webm files to .mp3
  • convert wavOrmp3.ahk => converts the filepath copied to the clipboard between .mp3 and .wav

download scripts

These scripts take advantage of yt-dlp to quickly download (and/or convert) youtube/twitch videos and ffmpeg to convert those files to a format Premiere can work with.


If you do not have yt-dlp AND ffmpeg correctly installed to the system path, these scripts will not work.

These scripts will first check for any highlighted text (or will fall back to checking the clipboard if the user isn't highlighting anything), then check for a youtube/twitch url. If one is found it should automatically download the file to the desired location!


Some of these scripts will download to pre-configured filepaths. Check ..\Support Files\Streamdeck Files\options.ini to set these filepaths.

  • sfx.ahk => downloads the video and converts it to .wav and saves it in the path provided
  • thumbnail.ahk => downloads the thumbnail and places it in [ptf.comms]\[ClientName]\口 thumbnails
  • video.ahk => downloads the video and saves it in the path provided. The file will be reencoded to h264 for compatibility with NLE's
  • vfx.ahk => downloads the video and saves it in the path provided. The file will be reencoded to h264 for compatibility with NLE's
  • projVideo.ahk => downloads the video and saves it in the path of the currently active project. The file will be reencoded to h264 for compatibility with NLE's
  • projAudio.ahk => downloads the audio and saves it in the path of the currently active project.
  • vidSelect.ahk => downloads the video and saves it in the path selected. The file will be reencoded to h264 for compatibility with NLE's
  • audSelect.ahk => downloads the audio and saves it in the path selected.
  • vidPart.ahk => downloads the video within a specified timecode to the path selected. The file will be reencoded to h264 for compatibility with NLE's
  • audPart.ahk => downloads the audio within a specified timecode to the path selected. - It should be noted with the Part scripts; you may notice "frozen" sections at the beginning of your downloaded file. I believe that is normal and just has to do with the way that youtube distributes the chunks of video and how yt-dlp interprets those chunks. The timecode of content you selected should still work as expected.


The above video downloading scripts will attempt to check for a NVIDIA gpu in the user's system and will try to render the files using nvenc instead of just the CPU.
This check isn't incredibly thorough and may result in issues if the user has an older/lower end NVIDIA card or if for some weird reason their card doesn't have nvenc.
If you run into issues please make a PR/Issue on the main github page

hCrop scripts

These scripts take advantage of ffmpeg and offer a variaty of functionality centered around the need to split a video in half along the horizontal axis. These scripts extend off the encodeGUI { to offer that basic functionality while also offering some additional options if necessary.


If you do not have ffmpeg installed to the system path, these scripts will not work.

  • hCrop CamAll.ahk => offers the user the ability to select which half of every video in the chosen directory they wish to reencode to a new file
  • hCrop CamSingle.ahk => offers the user the ability to select which half of the video selected they wish to reencode to a new file
  • hCrop loop.ahk => automatically splits every .mkv video file in the active directory and reencodes them to two new files
  • hCrop SplitSingle.ahk => offers the user the ability to split and reencode the selected video to two new files

vCrop scripts

These scripts take advantage of ffmpeg and offer a variaty of functionality centered around the need to split a video in half along the vertical axis. These scripts extend off the encodeGUI { to offer that basic functionality while also offering some additional options if necessary.


If you do not have ffmpeg installed to the system path, these scripts will not work.

  • vCrop CamAll.ahk => offers the user the ability to select which half of every video in the chosen directory they wish to reencode to a new file
  • vCrop CamSingle.ahk => offers the user the ability to select which half of the video selected they wish to reencode to a new file
  • vCrop loop.ahk => automatically splits every .mkv video file in the active directory and reencodes them to two new files
  • vCrop SplitSingle.ahk => offers the user the ability to split and reencode the selected video to two new files

Extract Audio scripts

These scripts take advantage of ffmpeg to extract all audio streams from files.


If you do not have ffmpeg installed to the system path, these scripts will not work.

  • extractSingle.ahk => extracts all audio streams from the individually selected file
  • extractAll.ahk => extracts all audio streams from all .mp4/.mkv files in the selected directory


extractAll.ahk will initially check to see if Bulk Audio Extract Tool is installed before proceeding.
If it is, it will pipe the selected directory to that tool, if it isn't it will simply run the required ffmpeg commands manually.
The benefits of this tool are;

  • Offers the user more options/control if they intend on changing the command sent to the command line
  • Provides visual progress bars to show how long the extraction process has left.

Reencode Scripts

These scripts take advantage of ffmpeg to reencoded a selected file (or directory) to a desired codec.


If you do not have ffmpeg installed to the system path, these scripts will not work.

  • reencode_h26x.ahk => reencodes the selected file to h264/h264 at the selected quality
  • reencode_prores.ahk => reencodes the selected file to prores at the selected quality
  • reencode_prores_all.ahk => reencodes the selected directory to prores at the selected quality

PremiereRemote Scripts

These scripts are designed to make a few interactions with PremiereRemote quicker and easier.


If you do not have NodeJS & PremiereRemote installed, some of these may (obviously) fail spectacularly.

  • openRemoteDir.ahk => opens the A_AppData \Adobe\CEP\extensions\PremiereRemote\ directory
  • openPremRemote.ahk => quickly reopen the PremiereRemote extenstion within premiere.
    • *note: custom amount of "{Down}" will need to be set by the user
  • resetNPM.ahk => reruns the npm run build command in the A_AppData \Adobe\CEP\extensions\PremiereRemote\host\ directory
  • checkInstalls.ahk => reruns the npm i command in the A_AppData \Adobe\CEP\extensions\PremiereRemote\ client & host directories to check for any files that need fixing => useful to run this script if you're experiencing PremiereRemote/other extensions crashing

Lock Scripts

These scripts are designed to trigger prem.excalibur.lockTracks()


These scripts require the proper shortcuts to be set within KSA and require the user to have Excalibur installed.

These scripts are designed to pop up the corresponding Excalibur window to toggle the desired track. The user may then input the track numbers they wish to toggle.
As excalibur is designed to accept a comma separated list of tracks, a few numpad keys will offer other functions to the user;

  • Space will input ,
  • Numpad0 will input ,
  • NumpadSub will input BackSpace

In addition to the above, if the user instead presses NumpadDiv they will be able to select a range of numbers that will be automatically toggled. The script with wait for the user to press two number keys per selection or it will wait for the user to press NumpadEnter before proceeding.

Preview scripts

These scripts are designed to speed up the process of generating/deleting Render Previews on the timeline. All of them will attempt to save the current project before moving on with their action.


These scripts require the proper shortcuts to be set within KSA

openSocials scripts

These scripts use the function openSocials() to open the youtube/twitch channel of the current project client. The client name is pulled from the path directory that can be found in the title of either After Effects or Premiere Pro and is then cross referenced against a local class for the appropriate online channel name.

blend scripts

These scripts are designed to adjust the blend mode of a given track for either Adobe Premiere or Adobe After Effects.

Simply run a script for the desired mode in either program! If run in Premiere, the script will adjust the mode for the desired track.


If script is run in After Effects, it will simply ensure you're in the right mode to be able to adjust blend modes, it will not attempt to change blend modes for any layers.

run & activate Scripts

These scripts are designed to run and activate any folder path you set.


Although you can simply run a filepath from a streamdeck natively, it won't automatically activate it (at least in win11) so this script can help ensure the desired filepath is brought to the foreground whenever pressed.

Update Scripts

These scripts are a collection of scripts to quickly update any chocolatey repos using the commandline.

Other Scripts

Here I will go through each script and describe its use case.


Some of these may be designed specifically for my workflow specifically and may not be plug and play.

adjustment layer.ahk

A script to quickly add a new adjustment layer in either Adobe Premiere or Adobe After Effects.

close stream.ahk

Would close all programs I used during a live stream, as well as close a script I used specifically during streams.

disable obs preview.ahk

A script to quickly activate OBS and disable its preview window. This is preferable over just a hotkey as the hotkey will only work while OBS is active

enable obs preview.ahk

A script to quickly activate OBS and enable its preview window. This is preferable over just a hotkey as the hotkey will only work while OBS is active


A script to quickly focus my twitch chat window. (Streams get hectic and windows get hidden regularly).

Move project.ahk

This script will ask you to select a project directory, then it will ask you to select a destination directory, from there it will move project.

It will also;

  • Delete the ..\renders\draft directory if it exists
  • Delete the ..\proxies directory if it exists
  • Delete the ..\Adobe Premiere Pro Auto-Save directory if it exists
  • Delete the ..\Adobe After Effects Auto-Save directory if it exists
  • Delete the ..\Adobe Premiere Pro Video Previews directory if it exists
  • Delete any .pek/.pkf/.cfa temp files if they exist
  • Delete any .mkv files if they exist (Premiere can't use them, so they're likely a duplicate of an .mp4 file within the project)
  • Delete any files (that aren't the final render in ..\renders\final) larger than 2GB

This script is designed to aid in project storage, making sure to wipe anything unnecessary before storing the final project file

New Premiere.ahk

This script will automate the process of creating a new Premiere Pro project. This script copies a template project file found in ..\Backups\Adobe Backups\Premiere\Template\ to the desired project folder.


A script to quickly focus OBS and input the screenshot hotkey. (set within KSA.ini)


As a speedrunner, route documents are a frequent thing to have open - but can be a little tedious as if the document isn't the active window, trying to progress it forward will result in nothing.

This script will activate the desired window before progressing it forward.

push to audition.ahk

Select the track you wish to open in audition, then open this script. It should take care of the rest.


This script contains mouse coordinates that might not line up for you.

qss.ahk Scripts

Quick Sound Settings. These scripts were primarily used when I used a GoXLR. When using a goxlr, there are times I would want my browser's audio stream to go to a separate track so OBS wouldn't hear it, and then there are other times where I would want to show chat a video, these scripts were designed to automate that process.

  • qss_firefox DEFAULT/STREAM.ahk => open the "ms-settings:apps-volume" settings page, locate the firefox logo, set it to the desired audio channel.
  • quick sound settings.ahk => open the "ms-settings:apps-volume" settings page.

scale.ahk Scripts

Set the scale of the selected track to a predetermined amount. Works in Premiere & Resolve

speed.ahk Scripts

Set the speed of the selected track to a predetermined amount. Works in Premiere.

start stream.ahk Scripts

Two scripts designed to start all programs I need for a livestream, as well as making sure they all get moved into the correct position. They will also make sure OBS is on the correct profile. These scripts are the main culperate for getting me into ahk!

Start new project.ahk

This script will ask you for a directory, once selected will create all folders needed for a video editing project.

tiktok project.ahk

This script will (if activated within Premiere Pro) open up the sequence settings and change the aspect ratio to a vertical one.

tiktok voice.ahk

This script is designed to use the tiktok text to speech tool found here. It requires python to be installed.

This script will ask you what you want the tts to say, then it will ask you what you want the file to be called and it will work its magic. The output directory & voice are definied within the script and will need to be changed.


This script provides a quick and easy to use GUI to schedule a PC shutdown for up to a max of 9999 hours.


These scripts provide the user with a quick and easy to use GUI designed to trim an audio/video file using ffmpeg.

render and replace.ahk

This script will label the current selected clip the colour of your choosing and then send the hotkey (set within KSA) to open the Render and Replace dialogue box.


These scripts are to quickly add a Premiere Pro preset for a blue/green key

make sequence.ahk

A script designed to quickly make the highlighted clips a sequence within Premiere Pro.

Will require the appropriate hotkeys to be set within KSA.ini


A script designed to send the highlighted clip to an After Effects composition.


This script is designed to easily adjust Mapped Network Drives using a GUI.


As autosave.ahk changes the transparency of After Effects this script is a failsafe to allow the user to set it back to normal in the event that something goes wrong.


Toggles Selection Follows Playhead within Premiere Pro. Will require setting the corresponding KSA value correctly.


Toggles the Show Audio Units setting for the current timeline.

swap solo.ahk

Deactivates solo on all tracks and then solos the track corresponding to the number the user inputs on their keyboard.
This script will wait for the user to select two numbers. If the user wishes to press one number, they can then press NumpadEnter, Enter, Tab or Escape to proceed.


The user can simply hit 0 (followed by one of the keys specified above) to unsolo all tracks or alternatevly simply hit one of the keys specified above once the script has been activated without first pressing any numbers.

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