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Tomshi edited this page Mar 25, 2024 · 1 revision


PremiereRemote is a tool developed by sebinside that gives the user the ability to excecute custom Premiere CEP-based functionality from outside of Premiere. This is achieved via a local webserver and custom extension panel within Premiere. We can then excecute our custom code using AHK and a local http request.

This tool offers multiple advantages for my repo, such as;

  • More directly telling Premiere to save resulting in less issues
  • Directly change clip properties like zoom, x/y, anchor point, etc. Meaning less keystrokes needing to be sent
  • Directly receive the current project path


NodeJS is required before any further steps can be taken. I do not offer any automation to step through this process as it can be a little involved depending on how you choose to install it.


You may either follow the installation steps listed in the github repo itself or run the ..\Support Files\Release Assets\Install Packages\installPremRemote.ahk file within this repo.

Then as long as you have the PremiereRemote extension window open within Premiere, you're set!


If you ever change any of the custom code found in the A_AppData \Adobe\CEP\extensions\PremiereRemote\host\src\ folder, you will need to run ..\Streamdeck AHK\PremiereRemote\resetNPM.ahk and then close/reopen the PremiereRemote extension window within Premiere for changes to take effect.
All information regarding this is detailed on the PremiereRemote github page

The custom code I use for this repo is kept in the ..\Backups\Adobe Backups\Premiere\PremiereRemote\ folder.


It should be noted however that changing the files in the above directory will yield no effect, they must be adjusted in the A_AppData \Adobe\CEP\extensions\PremiereRemote\host\src\ folder, then the resetNPM.ahk script must be run and PremiereRemote panel must be reopened.

Using Custom Code

Any of our custom functions in the index.tsx file can then be called using either the basic Run() command or my custom cmd.Run()/cmd.Result() command.

// index.tsx
saveProj: function () {;
;// directly call function
Run('curl "http://localhost:8081/saveProj?"',, "Hide")

;// call using my function

;// an example with a return value
entirePath := prem.__remoteFunc("projPath", true)

;// an example with variables
this.__remoteFunc("setZoomOfCurrentClip",, "zoomLevel=" String(scale), "xPos=" String(x), "yPos=" String(y), "anchorX=" String(anchorX), "anchorY=" String(anchorY))


I will always do my best to provide fallback code in scenarios where I use a PremiereRemote function, but as a precautionary warning; this fallback code may not be actively maintained and may, over time, slowly break or stop working.
If you ever encounter this scenario please do be sure to let me know by either submitting an issue on the github page, or by fixing the problem and submitting a pull request.