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pjljvandelaar edited this page Jun 4, 2018 · 3 revisions

Connection Definitions


cnectDefs "CNECTDEF" cnectDef (";" cnectDef )* "ENDDEF"
cnectDef cnectName "::=" cnectType cnectItem*
cnectItem   "CHAN" "OUT" channelName "HOST" hostName "PORT" portNumber | "CHAN" "IN" channelName "HOST" hostName "PORT" portNumber | "ENCODE" channelName "?" [varDecl](VarDecl) "->" "!" [valExpr](ValExpr) | "DECODE" channelName "!" [valExpr](ValExpr) "<-" "?" [varDecl](VarDecl)
cnectName [CapsId](CapsId)
channelName [CapsId](CapsId)
hostName [String](Data_Type)
portNumber [Int](Data_Type)


Define connections with outside world, and the mapping from abstract TorXakis channels to the concrete outside-world connections. Currently, only socket connections (of type String) are supported. A socket has a hostname, such as "localhost", and a portNumber.


The statement


        CHAN  OUT  Action                         HOST "localhost"  PORT 7890
        ENCODE     Action  ? opn              ->  ! toString(opn)

        CHAN  IN   Result ::                      HOST "localhost"  PORT 7890
        DECODE     Result  ! fromString(s)   <-   ? s


specifies a socket connection, called Sut, to the outside world where

  • TorXakis is the client side;
  • there is one outgoing and one incoming channel, Action and Result, respectively;
  • the types of messages communicated on channels Action and Result can be found in the corresponding channel definition CHANDEF;
  • the predefined function toString is used to map a message of channel Action to a string for the socket (localhost,7890);
  • the predefined function fromString is used to map a string from socket (localhost,7890) to a message on channel Result;
  • both channels the outside world are accessed via one socket on the same machine, i.e., localhost on portNumber 7890; one channel is IN and one is OUT.
    Note that
  • OUT and IN are viewed from the point of view of TorXakis, i.e., if this CNECTDEF specifies the connection to the system under test (SUT) then OUT is the input for the SUT, and IN is the output of the SUT;
  • each channel must map uniquely (bijectively) to a triple (IN/OUT,hostName,portNumber).

The statement


        CHAN  IN   Action :: Operation            HOST "localhost"  PORT 7890
        DECODE     Action  ! fromString(s)   <-   ? s

        CHAN  OUT  Result :: Int                  HOST "localhost"  PORT 7890
        ENCODE     Result  ? result           ->  ! toString(result)


specifies a socket connection, called Sim, to the outside world, where

  • TorXakis is the server side;
  • there is one incoming and one outgoing channel, Action and Result, respectively;
  • the channel mappings are the inverse of the previous connection definition, implying that this connection can be used for a simulator simulating the same model as used above for testing.

Technical Details

  • Socket streams must have UTF-8 string encoding, without byte order mark.
  • The new line format must be Linux (\n). When using the Windows style (\r\n) the \r is considered part of the output string.
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