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pjljvandelaar edited this page Sep 26, 2019 · 10 revisions


TorXakis has predefined, implicitly defined TYPEDEF, and user defined functions.

Predefined Functions

TorXakis has the following predefined functions; grouped by predefined data type to enhance readability.


function description
==(a,b :: Bool) ::= Bool Equals Infix operator
<>(a,b :: Bool) ::= Bool Not Equals Infix operator
toString(a :: Bool) ::= String Bool to String function
fromString(s :: String) ::= Bool Bool from String function
not(b :: Bool) :: Bool not function
/\(a,b :: Bool) :: Bool and Infix Operator
\/(a,b :: Bool) :: Bool or Infix Operator
\|/(a,b :: Bool) :: Bool xor Infix Operator
=>(a,b :: Bool) :: Bool implies Infix Operator


function description
==(a,b :: Int) ::= Bool Equals Infix operator
<>(a,b :: Int) ::= Bool Not Equals Infix operator
toString(a :: Int) ::= String Int to String function
fromString(s :: String) ::= Int Int from String function
+(i :: Int) :: Int Prefix Operator +
-(i :: Int) :: Int Prefix Operator -
abs(i :: Int) :: Int Absolute value function
+(a,b :: Int) ::= Int Addition Infix operator
-(a,b :: Int) ::= Int Substraction Infix operator
*(a,b :: Int) ::= Int Multiplication Infix operator
/(a,b :: Int) ::= Int Division Infix operator according to Boute's Euclidean definition.
%(a,b :: Int) ::= Int Modulo Infix operator according to Boute's Euclidean definition.
<(a,b :: Int) ::= Bool Less Then Infix operator
<=(a,b :: Int) ::= Bool Less Equal Infix operator
>=(a,b :: Int) ::= Bool Greater Equal Infix operator
>(a,b :: Int) ::= Bool Greater Then Infix operator

Boute's Euclidean Definition

The definitions of div / and mod % are according to Boute's Euclidean definition [1], that is, so as to satisfy the formula

(for all ((m Int) (n Int))
  (=> (distinct n 0)
      (let ((q (div m n)) (r (mod m n)))
        (and (= m (+ (* n q) r))
             (<= 0 r (- (abs n) 1))))))

[1] Boute, Raymond T. (April 1992). The Euclidean definition of the functions div and mod. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) ACM Press. 14 (2): 127 - 144. doi:10.1145/128861.128862.


function description
==(a,b :: String) ::= Bool Equals Infix operator
<>(a,b :: String) ::= Bool Not Equals Infix operator
++(a,b :: String) ::= String Concat Infix operator
len(s ::String) :: Int Length of String function
at(s :: String; i :: Int) :: String Character at position i of s. The index of position starts at 0. When the index is out of range (either i < 0 or i > len(s)) the empty string ("") will be returned.


function description
strinre(s :: String; r :: Regex) :: Bool Adheres string to regex?

Implicitly Defined TYPEDEF Functions

TorXakis will automatically generate equality, type checking, and accessors functions for the user defined data types.
Note accessor functions associated with a particular constructor are only defined for instances of that constructor.


When the user defines

TYPEDEF List_Int ::=
    | Cstr_Int { head :: Int; tail :: List_Int }

TorXakis defines the equality operator

==(a,b :: List_Int) :: Bool

the type checking functions (according to the pattern is)

isCNil_Int(x :: List_Int) :: Bool
isCstr_Int(x :: List_Int) :: Bool 

and the accessor functions

head(x :: List_Int) :: Int
tail(x :: List_Int) :: List_Int

which satisfy

head(Cstr_Int(h,t)) == h
tail(Cstr_Int(h,t)) == t

Note that these accessor functions are only defined for instances of the Cstr_Int constructor, i.e.,
instances of List_Int for which isCstr_Int(x) returns True. head(CNil_Int) and tail(CNil_Int) are thus not defined.

One should guard the usage of accessor functions with the constructor check, using IF THEN ELSE FI .

IF isCstr_Int(x) THEN head(x) == 5 ELSE False FI

User Defined Functions

In TorXakis, the user can define functions, including recursive functions, using

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