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pjljvandelaar edited this page Nov 5, 2019 · 4 revisions

State Automaton Definition


stautDef "STAUTDEF" procName "[" neChannelDeclList? "]" "(" neVarDeclList? ")" exitDecl? "::=" stautItem+ "ENDDEF"
stautItem ( "STATE" stateName | "VAR" neVarDeclList? | "INIT" stateName ("{" neUpdate "}")? | "TRANS" transition+ )
transition statename "->" [Communications](Communications) ("{" neUpdate "}")? "->" stateName
neUpdate neUpdate ":=" update (";" update)*
update varName ":=" [valExpr](ValExpr)
neChannelsDeclList channelsDecl (";" channelsDecl)*
channelsDecl neChannelNameList ("::" neTypeNameList)?
neChannelNameList channelName ("," channelName)*
neVarDeclList varsDecl (";" varsDecl)*
varsDecl neVarNameList "::" typeName
neVarNameList varName ("," varName)*
exitDecl "EXIT" ("::" neTypeNameList)?
neTypeNameList typeName ("#" typeName)*
procName [SmallId](SmallId)
channelName [CapsId](CapsId)
typeName [CapsId](CapsId)
varName [SmallId](SmallId)
stateName [SmallId](SmallId)


Define a state automaton.

A state automaton is a structure consisting of states, state variables, and transitions. A transition specifies how to go from one state to another state, while performing communications and updating the state variables. INIT specifies the initial state and the initial values of the state variables. The header of a state automaton definition is analogous to the header of Process Definition PROCDEF.


STAUTDEF  check1000 [ Add :: Int;  Sum :: Int;  Success ]  ( start_value :: Int )
      STATE  state0, state1
      VAR    sum :: Int
      INIT   state0 { sum := start_value }

      TRANS  state0  ->  Add ? x    [[ x >= 0      ]]  { sum := sum + x }      ->  state1
             state1  ->  Sum ! sum  [[ sum <= 1000 ]]  { }                     ->  state0
             state1  ->  Success    [[ sum >= 1000 ]]  { sum := start_value }  ->  state0

The state automaton check1000 specifies a system with two state state0 and state1, one state variable sum, and three transitions. The system adds positive integer inputs until the sum is at least 1000, upon which it outputs success. Then it restarts the process starting with sum := start_value. Note the non-determinism when the sum is exactly equal to 1000.

STAUTDEF m [C :: Int] () EXIT ::=
    STATE   s0, s1, s2
    INIT    s0
    TRANS   s0 -> C ! 1 -> s1
            s1 -> EXIT -> s2

The state automaton m communicates 1 over channel C and then EXITs.

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