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This project provides a Spring-Boot Starter that enables the additional configuration of the used Httpclients and FeignClient and help you to generate client API sdk for server in server side and deploy client jar lib for API consumers to REST API call..


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This project provides two Spring-Boot Starter that enables the additional configuration of the used Httpclients and FeignClient for produce sdk or rest template client.

This Library requires java version 17 or above and spring boot version 3.0.2 and above.


The Tosan Http Client Spring Boot Starter maintains documentation, release notes and migration guide in GitHub wiki pages.


To use these starters, it is enough to add the following dependencies to the project based on your needs so that the configuration are brought to the project, therefore you only need to add it as a maven dependency. The tosan-httpclient-spring-boot-starter brings the required configuration for produce sdk in http server and the tosan-httpclient-spring-boot-resttemplate-starter brings the required configuration for rest template client in every consumer of any rest web service. The usage of both are completely separate from each other.



This project consists of two main parts, one of which is feign client.
All configuration of feign client is described in feign-client.

Produce SDK

The main benefit of this starter is to help you for build SDK for Rest web services. for this purpose, the actions mentioned in the following steps should be done.

  1. Create Configuration class that inherit AbstractFeignConfiguration class and override all methods.
    All methods of this configuration class must be annotated with @Bean("[yourWebServiceName]-methodName") and all input arg of these methods must be annotated with @Qualifier("[yourDefineBeanName]")
    See CustomServerFeignConfig
    The super method should be called in all methods of this class except one abstract method(customErrorDecoderConfig).
  2. Define a bean for client config class inherit HttpClientProperties class with a custom prefix for setting of project in this configuration class. see Configuration section.
  3. The errors returned by a service provider must follow the Exception specific standard.
  4. Define interfaces to provide api to your clients. In these interfaces, you should put the signature of your methods. All the annotations related to RequestMapping should be defined in these interfaces, and the controllers should inherit from them. All these interfaces must be annotated with @SdkController and @FeignClient.
    If you have @RequestMapping on the these interface, define a string variable called PATH with value of RequestMapping annotation, then remove @RequestMapping in interface and add @RequestMapping(YourInterface.PATH) to concrete controller class.
    Also you must create bean from any controller in configuration class by getFeignController method in AbstractFeignConfiguration class.
    See CustomServerRestController

Exception specific standard

There are two Exception classes for create checked or unchecked exception. (TosanWebServiceException and TosanWebServiceRuntimeException)
All api exceptions must be inherited one of them. all of them must be had a no arg constructor.

Note that the errors returned by a service provider must follow the following standard:

    "errorType": "validation",
    "errorCode": "InvalidParameterException",
    "message": "invalid user name",
    "errorParam": {
        "username": "1ali$!"

Also, You can use ErrorObject instead of making object on your own .

Custom error decoder config definition

Now it is the turn of the only remaining abstract method in the configuration class. This project provides configuration bean called customErrorDecoderConfig CustomErrorDecoderConfig to identify your errors.

    public CustomErrorDecoderConfig customErrorDecoderConfig(@Qualifier("customServer-objectMapper") ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
        CustomErrorDecoderConfig customErrorDecoderConfig = new CustomErrorDecoderConfig();
        return customErrorDecoderConfig;

Exception extract type

The types of ExceptionExtractType include the following:


set ExceptionExtractType to define creation strategy of conversion map.

    public CustomErrorDecoderConfig customErrorDecoderConfig() {
        CustomErrorDecoderConfig customErrorDecoderConfig = new CustomErrorDecoderConfig();
        return customErrorDecoderConfig;

STATIC_MAP type strategy

in this strategy you must make exceptionMap manually.

    `key = errorType.errorCode`

    `value = ExceptionName.class`
        private static Map<String, Class<? extends Exception>> exceptionMap = new HashMap<>();
            static {
                    exceptionMap.put("validation.InvalidParameterException", InvalidParameterException.class);


At first You must define exceptions that inherit TosanWebServiceException and TosanWebServiceRuntimeException classes. these classes have two methods(getErrorType() and getErrorCode()). then add exception packages to scan automatically and detect sub type of TosanWebServiceException and TosanWebServiceRuntimeException classes. it will make conversion map automatically by these methods and simple name of exception classes.

    `key = getErrorType() + '.' + getErrorCode()`

    `value = ExceptionName.class`


At first You must define exceptions that inherit TosanWebServiceException and TosanWebServiceRuntimeException classes. then add exception packages to scan automatically and detect sub type of TosanWebServiceException and TosanWebServiceRuntimeException classes. it will make conversion map automatically by full package name of exception classes.

    `key = ExceptionName.class.getSimpleName()`

    `value = ExceptionName.class`

NOTE: Add exception packages to scan automatically in FULL_NAME_REFLECTION and EXCEPTION_IDENTIFIER_FIELDS strategy

    public CustomErrorDecoderConfig customErrorDecoderConfig() {
        CustomErrorDecoderConfig customErrorDecoderConfig = new CustomErrorDecoderConfig();
        return customErrorDecoderConfig;

NOTE: Set CheckedExceptionClass and UncheckedExceptionClass in FULL_NAME_REFLECTION and EXCEPTION_IDENTIFIER_FIELDS strategy

    public CustomErrorDecoderConfig customErrorDecoderConfig() {
        CustomErrorDecoderConfig customErrorDecoderConfig = new CustomErrorDecoderConfig();
        return customErrorDecoderConfig;

If an error key not defined in the map and http status code is 4xx, error decoder returns UnknownException.It has another parameter besides standard parameters called jsonResponse that is response body of the error.

This conversion just do for http status that are equals or greater than 400 and less than 500. It returns InternalServerErrorException for other http status error code.

Rest template starter

The main benefit of this starter is to help you for consume any Rest web services. for this purpose, the actions mentioned in the following steps should be done.

  1. Create Configuration class that inherit AbstractHttpClientConfiguration class and override all methods.
    All methods of this configuration class must be annotated with @Bean("[yourWebServiceName]-methodName") and all input arg of these methods must be annotated with @Qualifier("[yourDefineBeanName]")
    See ExternalServiceConfiguration
    The super method should be called in all methods of this class except three abstract method(responseErrorHandler,getExternalServiceName,clientConfig).
  2. Implement getExternalWebService by returning web service name.
  3. Define a bean for client config class inherit HttpClientProperties class with a custom prefix for setting of project in this configuration class. see Configuration section.
  4. For handle error of service must follow the Error Handler Interceptor.
  5. At last inject ExternalServiceInvoker bean in app and get rest template and call any service.


Both starters use the same class to configure settings. You can define client config class custom prefix for setting that inherit HttpClientProperties class. All configuration values are prefixed by your defined prefix. (e.g. prefix=custom-service.client `custom-service.client.connection.connectionTimeout`).
Config Description Default Example
baseServiceUrl Base service url (required) localhost:8080/example
sslContext SSL Version (optional) TLSv1.2 TLSv1.1
connection.connectionTimeout (optional) Connection Timeout in ms 5000 2000
connection.socketTimeout (optional) Socket Timeout in ms 10000 5000
connection.maxConnections (optional) max number of connections 200 100
connection.maxConnectionsPerRoute (optional) max number of connections per route 50 10
connection.timeToLive (optional) time to live 900 300
connection.timeToLiveUnit (optional) time to live unit SECONDS MINUTES
connection.followRedirects (optional) following redirects true true or false
connection.connectionTimerRepeat (optional) connection timer repeat 3000 1000
connection.cookieSpecPolicy (optional) Standard cookie specifications ignore relaxed,strict,ignore
proxy (optional) Configuration for used proxy servers
proxy.enable Proxy enable (optional) false true or false Hostname or IP of the Proxy or corp-proxy.domain
proxy.port Port of the Proxy (optional) 100
proxy.user Proxy user name (optional) testUser
proxy.password Proxy password (optional) testPassword
ssl (optional) Configuration for ssl
ssl.enable SSL Enable (optional) false true or false
ssl.context SSL Version (optional) TLSv1.2 TLSv1.1
ssl.check-validity Check SSL validity (optional) false true or false
ssl.keystore.path Keystore file path classpath:keystore.jks
ssl.keystore.password Keystore password changeit
ssl.keystore.type Keystore type (optional) JKS PKCS12
ssl.truststore.path Truststore file path classpath:truststore.jks
ssl.truststore.password Truststore password changeit
ssl.truststore.type Truststore type (optional) JKS PKCS12
authorization.enable Authorization enable (optional) false true or false
authorization.username Authorization user name (optional) testUser
authorization.password Authorization password (optional) testPassword


            host: localhost
            port: 3333
            user: testUser
            password: testPassword
          connectionTimeout: 5000
          socketTimeout: 10000
    public class CustomServerClientConfig extends HttpClientProperties {
    @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "custom-service")
    public HttpClientProperties customServerClientConfig() {
        return new CustomServerClientConfig();

Sample Project

You can find a sample project which configure Feign to use Apache HttpClient in tosan-httpclient-spring-boot-sample


This Library requires java version 17 or above and spring boot version 3.0.3 and above.


Any contribution is greatly appreciated. If you have a suggestion that would make this project better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement".


The source files in this repository are available under the Apache License Version 2.0.


This project provides a Spring-Boot Starter that enables the additional configuration of the used Httpclients and FeignClient and help you to generate client API sdk for server in server side and deploy client jar lib for API consumers to REST API call..








