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Bootstrap Debian or Ubuntu into WSL (Windows Sybsystem for Linux).


  1. You must have administrative rights to your computer.
  2. Microsoft Windows Subsystem for Linux Installation Guide for Windows 10 is your starting point.
  3. Start the Debian or Ubuntu machine and follow the on screen prompts.

Prepare to bootstrap Debian or Ubuntu

git clone
cd bootstrap-ubuntu

Review configuraiton

cat config

Configuration options

Flags are set to 1 or 0, true or false, respectively.

flag purpose
bashrcFlag RBENV information is written to .bashrca when true.
cloneRoot Root to clone emend and emend-computer into.
echoConfigFlag Echo config to sysout.
emendFlag Install and build gem emend when true.
gitconfigFlag Set your git email, user and credential helpers.
gitEmail Your git email address ... Not mine :)
gitName Your git name ... Not mine :)
graphVizFlag Install Graphviz application.
javaJreFlag Install Java open jdk.
miktexGpgKey Debian or Ubuntu key needed to access MiKTeX download.
miktexSource Source options needed to download MiKTeX.
muttFlag Install neomutt and mutt-wizard.
osUpdateFlag Update operating system.
profileFlag Create default .profile to source .bashrc
rbenvFlag RBENV is installed when true.
rubyVersion Ruby version to install with RBENV.
rustFlag Install rust.
rustProgramsFlag Install rust application programs.
texliveFlag Install TexLive full.
tldrFlag Why not?
ubuntuFlag Special handling for Ubutun & Ruby when true.
wslFlag Caution this will force replace /etc/wsl.config.
xWindowsFlag Install X windows components when true.


All coponents that can be installed without needing to restart a shell.



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