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bsag edited this page Jul 16, 2011 · 1 revision


Tracks 1.7 installation on FreeBSD 8.0 with sqlite3 as database

Prerequisite: install this packages from ports:

sqlite3 ruby+oniguruma ruby18-aspectr ruby18-bdb ruby18-dbd_sqlite3 ruby18-dbi ruby18-fcgi ruby18-gems ruby18-iconv ruby18-mysql rubygem-actionmailer rubygem-actionpack rubygem-activerecord rubygem-activeresource rubygem-activesupport rubygem-addressable rubygem-data_objects rubygem-deprecated rubygem-do_mysql rubygem-do_sqlite3 rubygem-extlib rubygem-rack rubygem-rails rubygem-rake rubygem-redcloth rubygem-sqlite3

May be some of them aren’t needed (like the mysql-packages).

Set up Tracks

Download the Tracks zip file and unpack it to a suitable location, e. g. /usr/local

cd into the Tracks home directory and set up the sqlite database (only, if you don’t already have a tracks database!)
rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production

Test yor Tracks installation

After completing successfully, you can start Tracks from within the tracks home directory
script/server -e production

Now you should be able to access your Tracks installation by your browser (http://myserverip:3000)

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