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Uhoh CI


A simple tool to create and maintain backups of your GitHub repositories.


Acquire a binary compiled for your platform (Mac and Linux are supported at this time).

Create a GitHub personal access token with the full "repo" permissions. Uhoh will be able to access any repo that the user who owns the token can access.

When Uhoh is run, it will look for an environment variable called UHOH_AUTH_TOKEN, which must be set to the token created above. For example: export UHOH_AUTH_TOKEN=<token>.

Run it!


Back up repos belonging to the "AcmeCo" organization, store the backups under /var/backups/github (the user running Uhoh must be able to write to this directory). Also note that the name of the organization is case-sensitive.

uhoh --target /var/backups/github --organizations AcmeCo

If the --target is omitted, the current directory will be assumed, so this would work as well:

cd /var/backups/github
uhoh -o AcmeCo


Uhoh is written in Dart. Install the toolchain here: You will need at least version 2.7.0.

  • Fetch build dependencies: make setup
  • Build a native binary: make binary
  • Format the code (do this prior to making a PR): make format

Run make by itself to see the list of available targets.


  • Add unit and functional test suites