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Configuring Gateway

Thiago da Rosa de Bustamante edited this page Mar 26, 2018 · 1 revision

When tree-gateway starts, it uses the tree-gateway Config File to load the initial configuration needed.

When start the gateway, you can inform the location of this config file:

$ treeGateway -c ./tree-gateway.yaml

If you do not inform any file, the gateway will try to find one with the name tree-gateway.json or tree-gateway.yaml located in the directory where you start the gateway. If no config file exists, the gateway will start with its default configurations and will save it into the file ./tree-gateway.yaml.

This file contains the configurations needed to connect to the redis database. All the other configurations are then loaded from this database, such as:

  • the gateway itself - which kind os services are enabled / monitors / protocols and ports for the listening services / loggers etc;
  • the admin users - Who can access the configuration services;
  • the installed middlewares - To extend gateway features / listen and handle events etc;
  • and all API configurations - The main purpose of the gateway: to route, secure and manage your APIs.

So, all of those configurations are inserted directly into the config database. If you change a configuration (regardless of which is), messages are sent to all cluster nodes to inform the new values. This happens without any need for a gateway restart. We provide 3 different ways to you manage all of those configurations:

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