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thiagobustamante edited this page Jul 5, 2017 · 5 revisions

This serviceDiscovery middleware needs to receive an options object containing the following properties.

Property Type Description Required
serviceName string The name of the service to be searched in the service discovery. true
ssl boolean True if the connection to service should use SSL (https). false
dc string Consul datacenter (defaults to local for agent). false
tag string filter by tag. false
loadBalancer random or round-robin The Load Balancer strategy used to choose one between the available service nodes. Defaults to random. false


name: TestServiceDiscoveryConsulAPI
version: 1.0.0
path: "/serviceDiscoveryConsul"
        name: consul
          serviceName: testConsulService

  timeout: 5000

This configuration will make searches in consul registry for available nodes for the service testConsulService.

You must ensure that you have a serviceDiscovery provider configured for consul.

Consul Discovery Provider

This consul provider will be used by all API's configurations that use consul as serviceDiscovery middleware.

To configure a consul provider, you must use the consul middleware for serviceDiscovery Provider, on GatewayConfig object:

            - name: consul
                host: localhost
                port: 8500

This serviceDiscovery provider middleware needs to receive an options object containing the following properties.

Property Type Description Required
host string Agent address. Default: It is not recommended to access consul agent remotely. see this. So, we recommend to use the default value. false
port string number Agent HTTP(S) port. Default: 8500.
secure boolean Enable HTTPS. Default: false. false
ca string[] The filenames of trusted certificates in PEM format. false
defaults DefaultsConsulConfig Default options for all servicediscovery method calls. false


Configure default options for all servicediscovery method calls. Can have the following properties:

Property Type Description Required
dc string Datacenter (defaults to local for agent). false
wan boolean Return WAN members instead of LAN members. Default: false. false
consistent boolean Require strong consistency. Default: false. false
stale boolean Use whatever is available, can be arbitrarily stale. Default: false. false
index string Used with ModifyIndex to block and wait for changes. false
wait string or number Limit how long to wait for changes (ex: 5 minutes), used with index. You can inform the amount of milisencods, or use a human-interval string. Defaults to '30 seconds'. false
token string ACL token. false
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