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Trevor French edited this page Jul 21, 2023 · 2 revisions


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coingecko CoinGecko coingecko /docs/ 🏢 /R/coingecko.R


coingecko_ping, coingecko_vs_currencies, coingecko_coins, coingecko_price, coingecko_categories, coingecko_price_history, coingecko_global_data


  • Returns the Coingecko API server status

  • The following example pings the CoinGecko API and stores the resulting list in a variable named "status".

status <- coingecko_ping()


  • Returns a character vector containg all supported currencies on Coingecko.

  • The following example gets all vs_currencies supported on CoinGecko and stores them in a character vector named "vs_currencies".

vs_currencies <- coingecko_vs_currencies()


  • Returns a dataframe containing all coins on CoinGecko and their respective ids, symbols, and names.

  • include_platform: optionally select either "true" or "false" to include platform contract tokens.

  • The following example gets information on all coins on CoinGecko and stores the data in a dataframe named "coins".

coins <- coingecko_coins()

coingecko_price(id, vs_currency, include_market_cap, include_24hr_vol, include_24hr_change, include_last_updated_at, precision)

  • Returns a list of currency prices

  • id: one or more comma-separated asset ids to query

  • vs_currency: one or more comma-separated vs_currencies to query

  • include_market_cap: optionally provide a 'true' or 'false' value to include/exclude market cap. The default is 'false'.

  • include_24hr_vol: optionally provide a 'true' or 'false' value to include/exclude 24-hour volume. The default is 'false'.

  • include_24hr_change: optionally provide a 'true' or 'false' value to include/exclude the 24-hour price change. The default is 'false'.

  • include_last_updated_at: optionally provide a 'true' or 'false' value to include/exclude the last updated information. The default is 'false'.

  • precision: optionally specify the decimal precision to return. Choose either 'full' or any number between 0 and 18.

  • The following example gets the price of Bitcoin denominated in USD and stores the data in a list named "prices" .

prices <- coingecko_price(id = 'bitcoin', vs_currency = 'usd')


  • Returns a dataframe of all categories on CoinGecko.

  • The following example gets all categories on CoinGecko and stores the resulting data in a dataframe named "categories".

categories <- coingecko_categories()

coingecko_price_history(id, date, localization)

  • Returns a list containing data about asset pricing.

  • id: The asset id you wish to query. IDs can be retrieved with the coingecko_coins function.

  • date: the date you wish to query formatted as "dd-mm-yyyy"

  • localization: "true" or "false" to include/exclude localized languages in the response. The default value is "false".

  • The following example gets the price of BTC on 12-30-2017.

price <- coingecko_price_history("bitcoin", "30-12-2017")


  • Returns a list containing high-level statistics about the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

  • The following example returns a list containing high-level statistics about the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

global_data <- coingecko_global_data()