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Trevor French edited this page Jul 21, 2023 · 1 revision


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coinlist Coinlist coinlist /docs/ 🏢 /R/coinlist.R


coinlist_symbols, coinlist_time, coinlist_signature, coinlist_api_call, coinlist_fees


  • Returns a dataframe with information about symbols available on Coinlist Pro

  • The following example gets information about symbols available on Coinlist Pro and stores it in a dataframe named "symbols".

symbols <- coinlist_symbols()


  • Returns a timestamp for use in your Coinlist API calls

  • The following example gets the time in the Coinlist format and stores it in a variable named "coinlist_time"

coinlist_time <- coinlist_time()

coinlist_signature(api_secret, coinlist_time, method, path, body)

  • Returns a signature for use in your Coinlist API calls

  • api_secret: your Coinlist API secret

  • coinlist_time: a timestamp in the correct format according to Coinlist

  • method: "GET" or "POST"

  • path: the path of your API call

  • body: the body of your API call

  • The following example passes the api_secret, coinlist_time, method, path, and body into the function and returns your Coinlist signature into a variable named "coinlist_signature".

api_secret <- "..."
coinlist_time <- coinlist_time()
method <- "GET"
path <- "/v1/accounts"
body <- ""
coinlist_signature <- coinlist_signature(api_secret, coinlist_time, method, path, body)

coinlist_api_call(api_key, api_secret, method, path, body)

  • Returns the response from your Coinlist API call

  • api_key: your Coinlist API key

  • api_secret: your Coinlist API secret

  • method: "GET" or "POST"

  • path: the path of your API call

  • body: the body of your API call

  • The following example passes the path, method, api_key, api_secret, and body into the function and stores the resulting API data into a variable named "data".

path <- "/v1/accounts"
method <- "GET"
api_key <- "..."
api_secret <- "..."
body <- ""
data <- coinlist_api_call(api_key, api_secret, method, path, body)

coinlist_fees(api_key, api_secret)

  • Returns a list containing Coinlist fees by symbols.

  • api_key: your Coinlist API key

  • api_secret: your Coinlist API secret

  • The following example retrieves the trading fees for Coinlist and stores the data in a list named "fees".

api_key <- "..."
api_secret <- "..."
fees <- coinlist_fees(api_key, api_secret)
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