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Trevor French edited this page Jul 21, 2023 · 1 revision


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kraken Kraken kraken /docs/ 🏢 /R/kraken.R


kraken_server_time, kraken_server_status, kraken_asset_info, kraken_asset_pairs, kraken_ticker_info


  • Returns a list with Kraken's server time in unix and rfc1123 formats

  • The following example retrieves the Kraken server time and stores it in a list named "time".

time <- kraken_server_time()


  • Returns a list with Kraken's server status along with a timestamp

  • The following example retrieves the Kraken server status and stores it in a variable named "status".

status <- kraken_server_status()

kraken_asset_info(asset, aclass)

  • Returns a list containing asset information.

  • asset: optionally provide one or more comma-separated ticker symbols.

  • aclass: optionally provide asset categories to filter by.

  • The following example calls the function three times. The first call accept all defaults and stores the maximum amount of information in a list named "all_asset_info". The second example only pulls information for ETH and BTC and stores the information in a list named "eth_btc_info". The third example only pulls information for assets which are classified as currencies and stores the information in a list named "currency_info".

all_asset_info <- kraken_asset_info()
eth_btc_info <- kraken_asset_info("ETH,BTC")
currency_info <- kraken_asset_info(aclass = "currency")

kraken_asset_pairs(pair, info)

  • Returns a list containing information on Kraken asset pairs.

  • pair: optionally provide one or more comma-separated asset pairs to query.

  • info: optionally select the information to return. You can choose from: "info" (all info), "leverage" (leverage info), "fees" (fee schedule), or "margin" (margin info).

  • The following example gets a list containing information on all asset pairs available to trade on Kraken and stores the data in a list named "asset_pairs".

asset_pairs <- kraken_asset_pairs()


  • Returns a list containing ticker info for assets on Kraken. Refer to Kraken for help interpreting response data:

  • pair optionally provide one or more comma-separated asset pairs.

  • The following example gets a list containing ticker information for "ETHUSD" and stores the data in a list named "ticker_info".

ticker_info <- kraken_ticker_info("ETHUSD")
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